To Be An Alliance Leader And A Truth Is Revealed!

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"You are the same as when you were a child, Sayuri," the Raikage commented. Sayuri looked at him confused but he merely chuckled and gestured to the empty seat. "Have a seat so we can get started."

Nodding, Sayuri sat down in her seat that she was told to sit in, next to Gaara and the Mizukage. The only female Kage in the room cast a curious gaze at Sayuri while Gaara stared shocked, confused and wide eyed at her the others either glaring or just staring as she crossed her legs and looked to the Raikage.

"As I was saying my name is Mifune, I'll be your amoderator," the man scanned the room, "The meeting will now begin."

"I'll go first," Gaara began, "Listen up."

"The makeup of the Kazekage sure has changed," Tsuchikage states staring at Gaara, "You must be something special to be made Kazekage at such a young age.

The Mizukage bickered at the Tsuchikage than asked for Gaara to continue, he told them that he was once a host and how the Akatsuki captured him. They all started arguing about previous and former host, Sayuri listening in silence, when the Raikage slammed his fist down on the table. "Quit you're yapping!"

All of the Kages guards came out from behind the curtains, the Mizukage pulling a confused Sayuri closer to her Gaara, Temari and Kankuro wanting her to be by them so they could protect her if need be.

"We are here to talk, please refrain yourselves from such rudeness."

The Kages called off their guards, "Gomen, Queen Sayuri, I didn't want you to get hurt," Mizukage apologized.

Sayuri gave a her closed eye smile, "Thank you, it's an honor to meet you miss Terumi. I don't have my own guards here so thank you again."

"Kanoha, Iwa, Suna and Kiri! Akatsuki is made up of missing nin from your villages!" Raikage shouts, "And that's not all! I know that there are among you, including former Kages who have used the Akatsuki for their own purposes!"

"Used Akatsuki...?"

"I don't trust you, other than Sayuri, I had no intention of speaking to you! I called you all here to find out where your true loyalties lie!"

"What do you mean, 'used Akatsuki'?!" Gaara was confused.

They explained, with angry shouts, to Gaara how the Akatsuki was once used by Suna.

"Both the former Kazukage and Hokage ended us dying."

Sayuri stared up at all of them as Danzo looked confused, "You all didn't know?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

All eyes turned to her, "Didn't know what girl?" Tsuchikage spoke rudely.

"Hiruzen is still alive," all of their faces turned to shock, "Immediately after Orochimaru left I brought him back. I guess word never got out so that Orochimaru wouldn't attack again, I'm sorry that none of you knew."

After some agreeing the Raikage began accusing the Mizukage than others accusing the Raikage than talk of Madara Uchiha. Mifune than brought up the idea of forming a five-village alliance, in this case five villages bonus a Kingdom.

"So..." Tsuchikage says, "The question is who will have authority over this new army?"

"You all will only fight among yourselves, as a neutral party I would like you to respect my decision," Mifune tells, "I will decide who among you is best suited for the job."

Now... Tsunade's time is over... Danzo smirked.

"The only host left is the Leaf's nine tails, I think it will be the key to all of this... What do you say? Will you allow the Hokage to lead this alliance?"

Discontinued: To Be A Queen (Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction/ Kakashi's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now