To Be Ill

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It was early in the morning when Sayuri's eyes opened, she laid there for a few moments before moving. She flinched, her body sore and in pain from Eitos beating the night before. Looking down at herself new busies and cuts painted her skin and dried blood stuck to her, she was to tired and weak to wash up or even change her clothes that night.

Slowly, Sayuri made her way out her bed, it being stained with blood as well, and headed to her bathroom. She stared at her face in the mirror. Blotches of blue, purple and yellow covered it, the left side of her face was slightly swollen and her neck had a gray bruise in the shape of a hand covering it. She looked to her hands, her eyes emotionless, her arms shaking as she made a fist and gritted her teeth before punching the mirror. 

The glass shattered and the pieces scattered to the floor and landed in the sink along with drops of blood dripping from her hand.

Sayuri wanted nothing more than to just scream and cry and to run away, she wanted Kakashi to tell her everything would okay.... even if it was a lie. She wanted to be a child again, a boy. To be back in the leaf with Kakashi and Mi-kimi holding her hands as they walked through the park. She wanted to be a normal happy child, with normal issues and a quiet life filled with light. She wanted to beat the crap out of Eito. She wanted nothing more than to die.

                                           (^Sayrui with her bruises and hurt hand when she punched the mirror)

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                                           (^Sayrui with her bruises and hurt hand when she punched the mirror)

She pulled her hand out of the wall from behind the mirror and let it limply fall to her side. Sayuri looked at her reflection once more in the parts of the mirror that still remained before stepping over to her bath, stepping on the glass as she ripped off her tattered clothes and turning on the water.

She stayed in the shower for a couple of hours just standing there under the water long enough for her maids to come to the palace to start their day and help her get ready for the next prince. They knocked on the door a few times and even though Sayuri didn't answer, they entered.

"M'Lady? Are you awake?" The youngest maid, Nori, asked as she looked at the dim lit room, her eyes landing on the bathroom hearing the shower. "She's in the bath you guys," she states looking at the others.

They walked in just so they can start preparing her clothes and such. Ko walked over to the windows to open the curtains, but was stopped by Sayuri's gentle hand.

Ko stopped and bowed, "Good morning, M'Queen."

Sayuri had a robe wrapped around her, her skin clear of the bruises and cuts with her invisibility justu. "Good morning, to all of you. Do you mind if we keep these closed, I'm afraid I have a headache," her voice was scratchy and soft. 

Nori and Lady Ume now where next to her in a flash, "Oh my dear queen do you not feel well today?" Lady Ume placed the back of her hand on Sayuri's forehead, "My goodness! You're burning up! And you look paler than normal," her old eyes held concern as she snapped her aging fingers, "Nori you go fetch some water, herbal tea and something for her to eat, m'Queen is to thin! Ko, you go to the doctors and get some medicine, I'll go find Lord Osamu and tell him to cancel today's date! Go!"

Discontinued: To Be A Queen (Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction/ Kakashi's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now