Bachelors Part One

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Both characters where entered by Smile_More_I_Like_It! I did the drawings drawings of them.

Both characters where entered by Smile_More_I_Like_It! I did the drawings drawings of them

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Name: Yoshiro Daiki

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Name: Yoshiro Daiki

From: Land of Lightning

Kingdom: Hikari no mura (Village of Light) or Hikari for short

Age: 21

Height: 5' 11"

Hair: Messy brown

Eyes: Blue

Attire: Typical guard uniform with a blue sash to show his importance

Likes: His kingdom, honesty, kindness, respect, reading, helping his people, red bean paste buns, vanilla and jasmine tea, sword fightings and practicing what his people call "Hikari Nusumu Hito no Jutsu" or Light Stealer Jutsu

Dislikes: People who try and destroy his kingdom, anyone without respect for others, dishonesty, liars, liquor of any kind, people too easy going, show offs, and fish

Personality: He can come off as standoffish and rude but he has trouble trusting others. In fact he is actually a true gentleman who can't stand disrespect or dishonesty. In his free time he enjoys reading, sparing with his soldiers, or helping out around the kingdom.

Past:When growing up his father's two favorite things were fish and liquor. Both of these and the fact that his father cheated and spoke harshly to his mother are main reasons he feels the way he does now. His father, King Shiju, ruined the country Hikari (taking money, selling its land, taking from the people, etc.) so it has been Yoshiro's soul goal to bring it back to its original glory. Yoshiro became king at the age 12 when his father was stabbed in his bedchambers [The case for his murder was never looked into for unknown reasons, not that anyone minded] His mother, Queen Akilla, is still alive and now lives with her son as his top advisor

Hikari Nusumu Hito no Jutsu: This jutsu 'steals' the opponents sight for different lengths of time depending on the strength of the caster. Yoshiro can blind 27 men at one time for 12-14 minutes before feeling exhausted.

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Name: Tatsuo Masato

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Name: Tatsuo Masato

From: Land of Frost

Kingdom: Reitō-mura (Frozen Village) Age: 26

Height: 6' 1.5"

Hair: White

Eyes: Blue

Attire: A low hanging purple v-neck with bandages underneath. Has a white short sleeved jacket and white ninja pants. Wears white strapped boots and bandages on his hands and around his neck. He also has a silver cross pendant necklace a gift from his sister.

Likes: Snow, dogs, his wolf, the cold, sleep, his country and home, sweets, his younger sister Mikuo (10), kids (not that way pervert :p) and playing the piano or violin

Dislikes: Heat, cats, working to hard, his parents, anyone who hurts his sister or any child, sour food, dirty places, and violence

Personality: Most people find him intimating and silent. Although he is rather silent he is also a total sweetheart and rather lazy (think of someone like Mori). In his free time he likes to sleep, eat candy, play with his little sister, or play to piano or violin

Past: His parents were very war hungry, and tried to fight surrounding villages to bring them more land. Because of this they are one of the more hated villages. Tatsuo would like to change the view of his village so when he became king (over throwing and banishing his parents at age 19) he gave back the land they had stolen and gave the families that lost loved ones in the battles money and memorial services for each member lost. After a few years of work Reitō-mura became a peaceful village.

Fighting: Although Tatsuo dislikes violence he was trained with the bow and arrow, chakra, speed, war strategy, combined fighting with his snow wolf Miyuki, hand to hand combat, and sword fighting since a young age (His parents wanted him to continue leading the village into battles and wars)

Miyuki: Tatsuo's partner who is always with him. She is not a summons but a wild wolf he tamed (saved since she was abandoned by her mother for being the runt) and then trained. 

Discontinued: To Be A Queen (Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction/ Kakashi's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now