To Be A Knight: Unwanted Hero

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The sounds of a sword hitting wood rang throughout the woods. A little more than a mile away from the kingdom's walls was a patch of trees and a small training ground that was set up for the prince. King Yoshiro's company was set on the outskirts of the walls not far from the training area since there wasn't enough room in the kingdom for everyone. The majority of the others companies were by the walls as well.

"Again!" the instructor's voice shouted in Yoshiro's head as he hit the wooden dummy a dozen times more.

It was dark out still, the morning sun not even peaking in the horizon yet. He couldn't sleep most of the night and since he declined the offer to sleep in the castle he was able to walk out of his tent and just train when ever he felt the need to.

He was breathless by the time the sun started to rise and the birds started to sing. Yoshiro stopped his training and watched the sun rise, the only thing he wore was his normal pants and his blue sash around his waist.

He let out one last breath before he headed back to his tent knowing if his mother seen him missing she'd freak out.

He put on his blue robe he had sat aside while he trained and headed to the tents they were staying at. By the time he got there he was greeted by many of his soldiers and the servants and such. Yoshiro got to his sleeping tent and cleaned up before changing into his normal attire, a guards uniform and his blue sash around his right shoulder.

"Yoshiro!" a high pitched voice scolded the moment he stepped out into the sun, "What do you think you're wearing! You're meeting Queen Sayuri today and taking her on a date, why don't you wear something nice! Like that new blouse and vest I got you!" His mother pointed an accusing finger in his face.

"With all do respect mother, I wear this sort of uniform the majority of the time if she wants to marry me, she'd have to get used to it." Yoshiro replied with a blank stare.

His mother dramatically fell on to him and hugged him while crying fake tears, "Oh, my dear son, why must you be so cruel to your mother. Fine, fine," she turned away from him holding her face," be that way disgrace your name, disgrace your house, d-disgrace your dear... poor mother." She peeked through her fingers to see his reaction but he wasn't there. She looked around only to see him walking away to go talk to some of his guards. "So mean!" she jokingly wailed after him.

Yoshiro jumped onto his horses saddle and made his way down the long road to the castle with his personal guards following.

Once through the borders gate he was greeted with several hundreds of villagers and foreigners running through the streets.

"My lord allow me to go first," his top guard Mino bowed. Yoshiro nodded in approval and his 6 guards made an oval shape around him as the proceeded through the crowd. The crowd soon realized that someone of importance was on there horses and crammed themselves together against there homes and shoppes.

Whispers rose in question of who they were others shouted "It's one of those kings that is here to see our Queen! King Yoshiro Daiki of Hikari no mura!" Cheers and hello's rang through the air and moments later all of the Hiyoshis villagers got down on to the ground to bow. The ones who stood where visitors, travelers, or other competitors company.

Yoshiro stopped his horse to look around at everyone his face visibly shocked along with his guards. Immediately the Queen became and interest to him and so did the Kingdom of Hideyoshi. For all of these people to show this much respect and kindness to a complete stranger... he grinned slightly then proceeded to the castle. 

Sayuri sat in front of her mirror as Lady Ume did her hair, Ko did her make-up and Nori searched through her closet for an outfit. Lady Ume and Ko finished just as Nori laid her outfit on her bed.

Discontinued: To Be A Queen (Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction/ Kakashi's Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now