Chapter 1: First Meeting <3 with Chapter 2 :))

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Well this is the first chapter of this story....I hope you like it.  Btw, this story is just a result of me and my classmate's role play soo this story might be a little confusing.. I hope you Enjoy!

Lovelots <3


                                       E  N  J  O  Y  !  !  !


Roxas was walking down the hall with his headphones on. Classes had just ended.

He was oon his way to meet Sora and the others so they

could all go home together.

Suddenly,he bumped into someone.#

"Im sorry!"    he heard an angelic voice say.


As Namine was running in the hallway to get her bag in the classroom...

'boogsh'   *sound of crashing*

"Awwww TT.TT" she fell on her butt   but the suddenly stood up.

"Im sorry!" she said.

When she looked at the one she bumped, she saw a guy----

----a handsome guy at that.

She was gawked.

"Hey , you alright?" she was surprised to hear the guy's voice..  It was so manly.


"Hey , you alright?" he asked. Roxas couldnt believe his luck. This girl....   she looked like 

a living angel.

"You dont need to apologize. It was my fault." he told her and flashed a smile.

"Ummm ....   Im Namine, class 2A and you are?"  Namine also flashed a smile.

"I like your name"  Roxas ran a finger through his hair combing it.

"Im Roxas from class 2D." he held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you"  he continued.

"Nice to meet you too." Namine blushed when Roxas said he likes her name.

'ring'   * the bell rang *

"Ohhh Im sorry I got to go now. I hope to see you again." then she ran looking back saying 


"Wait!" he ran to her and grabbed her by the shoulder.It was easy to keep up with her slow pace.

"Are you going home alone?" He asked.


Namine was in the midst of running when someone caught her by her shoulder.

"Are you going home alone?"      

'Oh! its just Roxas' she taught.

Accidentally in LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon