Chapter 2

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"It's March..and you don't know what you'll be doing when we leave?!"

"Like I've said, I'll be hiding in a dark place."

"No, you'll be hiding in my loft. Where we're going to live a fabulous life in muggle London."

"Why muggle London?" Alexandria wrinkled her nose, there was nothing wrong with muggles! But every time Alexandria traveled through the streets of muggle London she found herself out of place and slightly frightened.

"You can feed easier."

" mean..." she put down the book she was reading in the grass and turned to her best friend who continued giving her a dead pan look.

"Yes, I mean that," Vic said nonchalantly.

"No! I'm not going to do that! That's horrible! Haven't you learned anything being with me for so long?! That is the ultimate-"

Vic chuckled, "I'm glad you still have your was just a joke, Lex."

"Don't joke like that, Vic. Ever," she mumbled.

Vic placed an arm around his best friend and sighed, "I'm only teasing you. No, I do want to live in a lovely loft but I want you around so we'll find a lovely little place for you to live happily as well."

"You'll be paying the rent, why do my feelings matter?"

"Because you need a home," Vic shrugged.

Alexandria looked at her hands, frowning slightly, it was true she was homeless...Hogwarts was her one and only home. Had been for two years...ever since she was bitten. She had loving parents, ones who did anything and everything for her, but they couldn't handle having a vampire daughter and so she was tossed out onto the streets after her accident. She only had her Gringotts account which her parents still stocked with money, she knew they regretted their decision, but what choice did they have? They were terrified of her. Every summer was spent traveling Europe, what else was there to do when you couldn't go home? Christmas included following Vic to his house where his mother forced food into her until she was about to burst, his mother didn't know about what she was, only that she was part Veela. Like everyone else at Hogwarts.

"Your logic...I hate you and your infailable logic."

"That's why I'm a brilliant Ravenclaw," Vic winked as he poked Alexandria's cheek.

Alexandria picked up her book while shaking her head, "lovely day, isn't it?"

"Good for the third week of March..." Vic mused as he tossed his copy of the Daily Prophet away.

"Oy! Don't litter!" Alexandria hit his arm before reaching for the paper. The front page screamed Voldemort all over, it was a shame really...she turned the pages until she found an article by her favorite writer: Michale Sorrin. His articles were always filled with sarcasim that only the clever could catch, best way to keep his job at the Prophet in this day and age.

"Times are getting harder, eh?" Vic questioned from beside her.

She folded the paper, flashing her friend a smile before standing up. A wift of something caught her attention, it was far off and faint...but the smell....Alexandria shook her head, gripping Vic's shoulder for support as he slowly stood up beside her.

"What's happened?" Vic questioned with a strained voice. He knew her well enough to know her stance when this happened. "Lex, let go or you'll crush me." Alexandria looked to her hand to see her nails had dug into Vic's shoulder rather harshly, not breaking skin but leaving marks none the less.

"sorry...I just need..." She began to walk towards the scent, but Vic forced her to stop, she brushed him off easily and kept walking.

"Lex! Stop now," Vic shouted. She didn't listen, didn't want to, she just wanted to find the source of the smell...The glorious smell, she theorized of what it could be, the temptation so great as she hurried off.

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