Chapter 14

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"Stop playing with your food or I'll stop cooking for you completely."

Alexandria looked up at James who was watching her as she sat at the kitchen island prodding her rare steak. The blood trickling around its edges, making Alexandria slightly sick as she prodded it. "I'm sorry...I'm just not that hungry."

"You said you would give me some opinions on my cooking," James muttered as he turned back to the stove. When Alexandria first came here and realized that some people here actually enjoyed the normalcy a home cooked meal brought to their lives, she was more than ecstatic to be a food tester.

Alexandria cut a piece of the steak, the blood dripping down the fork and down her wrist, she frowned as she licked it away and ate the piece of meat. "It's good, thank you."

James smiled over his shoulder and smiled, "there's deer's blood in the fridge. I got it this morning."

Alexandria put her hands in her hair and shook it out with a sigh, "I don't want blood. I just want to go home." Her chest paining at the thought of home...and a certain redhead that she longed to hold just for a moment.

James put down his spatula and rested his hands on counter top in front of her. "I don't know how Peter felt, but I remember right after the change I wanted to attack something and drink its blood. The pain your body goes through is just excruciating and you need blood to recover from that." He paused as he waited for a reaction, "It's good you're not near them, you're doing your friends a kindness."

Alexandria ran a hand through her hair, tugging on a fistfull and nodded, "I wish they saw it that way."

"They will," James smiled and stood back up, "now how about you eat some more?"

Alexandria looked at the steak and sighed as she began to eat, her stomach growled slightly, "I've had a headache for weeks." she commented. "It's getting worse, nothing makes it go away."

James stopped prodding at another steak and frowned, "have you been hunting?"

"I did yesterday," Alexandria lied. She didn't know why she was lying, but she recently had no appetite for blood. It had been occurring for the past few weeks.

"Really? Because I know there's a bottle with your name on it that's still sealed," James commented.

Alexandria groaned as she stood up and walked to the rather large fridge and found the bottle on the door, she poured a glass and took her seat as she sipped it. The taste making her want to vomit. Which worried her.

"God! Is this old or something? It's disgusting," Alexandria gagged, spluttering blood across the counter as she wiped her mouth.

James turned off the flame on the stove and looked at her, he had the same look on his face whenever Vic noticed the veins on her cheeks. Slightly scared and very worried. "I got that blood yesterday for you."

"Well, it's gross," Alexandria cringed at the taste, it felt as if it were burning her throat. "What was it from?"

"James! We're off for a trip, care to join?" A woman who looked to be in her late twenties with short blonde hair smiled as she walked into the room. Her heels clicking underneath bell-bottom jeans as she smiled, "Hello, Lex. Would you care to join as well?"

"Where we are going?" Alexandria questioned.

"Wherever the wind takes us," the woman shrugged.

"Sounds fun, Jasmine," James nodded, giving Alexandria a side long glance.

"We leave at dusk," Jasmine smiled, "bring cloaks."

"Care for some steak?" James offered the pan.

Jasmine grinned and took one thankfully before departing, James looked at Alexandria and raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you don't like deer," he offered.

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