Chapter 38

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There was laughing and voices, many voices, as Alexandria let James lead her to wherever they were going. She smelled candles and a high amount of blood that made her skin itch and her throat constrict while her mouth watered.

"I'm sorry," James whispered in her ear. "I tried to warn you."

Alexandria nodded her head very slightly as they stopped walking, Alexandria flinched as something cold and metallic touched her cheek and the blindfold was gone. Her eyes followed the thin cloth as it fluttered to the ground like a wounded butterfly, when Alexandria looked back up she came face to face with the dark eyes of Colleen.

Colleen leaned in close, her smile spreading across her face until Alexandria was reminded of the Cheshire cat from Alice. What was remarkable was that Colleen even had the pointed teeth, this thought sent a chill down Alexandria's spine as she stood there, watching Colleen step back.

"I've grown tired of our little game so I'm going to finish this."

"We had a game? I wasn't aware of that, I hope I was in the lead at the very least," Alexandria raised an eyebrow.

Colleen made a clucking noise, pursing her lips and shaking her head slightly, "don't test me, girl." She snapped her fingers harshly.

Alexandria hadn't taken in the room entirely, other than it had been somewhat dark with the curtains drawn and the smell was overwhelmingly stale. But the lights suddenly turned up, as if being controlled by a dimmer switch, and she gasped at the scene.

Three chairs were before her, each sat a bloodied figure bound with gags and their wrists taped to the chair. Fred looked the most damaged and abused out of the three, cuts scattered his face and trailed down his neck, George had a black eye and a cut under his left eye that was still spilling blood. Vic's head was hanging back on his shoulders, his neck showed many cuts and his shirt front was soaked in blood. Beyond them stood many familiar faces masked with leather looking surgical masks and wearing gloves as they stood as onlookers.

"What have you done to them?!" Alexandria demanded.

"Poor dear....did you really think I wouldn't go after your darling little humans?" Colleen snorted, her smile glinting in the light as laughs were heard around the room. "You truly aren't smart, dear."

Alexandria growled slightly, Colleen smirked as she paced slowly before Alexandria, "leave them out of this. It's just you and me, no one else needs to be in this."

"It's too late for that, Alexandria. You won't see reason without a little....incentive," Colleen intertwined her fingers together and smiled knowingly.

Alexandria looked to her friends again, feeling pained and frantic, she was at a loss of what to do...she felt helpless. "Just let them go. I'll do whatever you want."

"That's the thing. I know you won't. You would never give me what I want," Colleen clapped her hands together which got a response from the boys. Each lolled their heads up, taking in the room and the surrounding vampires. "But, I have a little bit of a task for you," Colleen stepped closer, "I will give you two hours to bring me the cure or I'll snap their necks. One. By. One."

"Don't do it, Lexi. Don't worry bout us!" Vic coughed, blood slowly spilling from between his lips.

"I didn't survive a bloody war just to be murdered by some old bitch!" Fred roared, the ropes that bound him instantly tightened like a snake holding its prey, causing Fred to gasp at the pain.

Colleen smirked slightly, crossing her arms over her chest. ""I will give you two hours before I break their necks."

"You would never be that cruel!" Alexandria said outraged.

"I have watched my husband and son die before my own eyes, I have watched every relative die as well. I killed my own sister because she didn't want this kind of life. You don't know what I am capable of!"

Alexandria was quiet, "why would you kill my family then?"

"Give it up girl, you have no family!" Colleen spit with pure ferocity. "Now bring me the cure before I begin killing them."

Alexandria only glared, her mind racing a mile a minute, Colleen sighed heavily. With quick steps she walked behind George's chair and removed his bindings before forcing him to stand and shoving him in the back. Alexandria caught him just before he made contact with the harsh ground.

Colleen stepped close, her expression was hard and unforgiving, "two hours. I will find you in two hours and you better have the cure...if not...he's first to die," Colleen motioned to the weakened George in Alexandria's arms. "Off you go."


George was still unconscious when Alexandria apparated to her small apartment, she helped him over to the couch before conjuring water and cloths and began cleaning his wounds.

"Lex..." George croaked, "what're you doing?" George's voice was rough and soft when his head lolled to the side and he opened his eyes.

"Cleaning your wounds, George," Alexandria whispered.


"I know, George," Alexandria snapped as she held the cloth to George's cheek, she worried her lip as thoughts whizzed through her mind. "How good is your occlumency?"

"What?" George whispered.

"How well can you block your mind?" Alexandria rolled her eyes.

"Never tried before," George lifted his shoulders slightly in a shrug.

Alexandria sighed, she had a few ideas but she needed time to think first, "bloody hell am I dumb." Alexandria muttered, George raised an eyebrow, "what did she do to you?"

"Peter, James, and some guys showed up and took us from our shop and...we were tortured..." George answered.

"I'll kill them," Alexandria spoke softly, scoffing as she watched a cut on George's jaw slowly stop bleeding. "Did know...drink?" Alexandria finished lamely.

"No....they were all wearing masks," George spoke softly. "It was a bit strange."

Alexandria nodded, "yes it is..." she whispered.

Alexandria went back to washing away the blood as her mind worked on a plan while her skin crawled and itched. She hadn't had blood in days. The only thing that was keeping her fangs sheathed was the reminder that she had to do something to save everyone.

"I think she thought I was Fred," George commented as Alexandria rung out the cloth in the bowl, her gaze watching the red mix with the water longingly.

Alexandria nodded, her gaze not leaving the bowl, "agreed."

Alexandria vanished the blood and water, getting up and shaking her head to rid herself of the hunger. But it didn't work, she was still thirsty and her throat was closing with every passing second. The only way she would feel better is to drink blood....

"Have you got any ideas?" George asked.

"I have a few," Alexandria nodded as ideas slowly formed.

"Great! What are we going to do?" George's voice was suddenly filled with hope.

Alexandria looked back at George, shaking her head, "she can read your thoughts and see your memories. I can't tell you."

"Not going to give her the cure....are you?" George was strong and brave, but even Alexandria noticed the way his adam's apple quivered slightly.

Even though she was hungry, almost starved, Alexandria still had the strength to compel her victims. "Trust me, George," Alexandria said softly as she gazed into his blue eyes. She smiled slightly when she noticed George relax a bit. If only she could relax, until this was over, Alexandria had to be strategic and cunning. Things she wasn't good at. But she had to. For the sake of her friends. She had to be.


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