Chapter 5

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Vic took off his robes before setting them on the ground and letting the sun warm his face. N.E.W.T.S. had just ended for the day and he couldn't be happier. He reached into his bag and read over the letter from the morning for a third time. It was from Fred Weasley giving him details on what Vic would possibly do while working for him, Vic hadn't expected it. Getting a job from the twins, when he had written them all he wanted was to ask how things were and if they knew of any apartments.

"Just a few more weeks now," Alexandria mused when she appeared beside him.

"Yeah, just a few more weeks for you to spend with Scottie boy," Vic prodded her knees as he laid on the ground.

"Shut it," Alexandria rolled her eyes.

"You have to give him credit for finally coming round and talking to you. Too bad we only have a few weeks now."

Alexandria nodded, "he talked to me in class before."

"To ask for notes or an ingredient for a potion," Vic laughed.

"Why do you think he suddenly decided to get....closer?"

"Because we only have a few weeks left and then he'll never get the chance at such a gorgeous girl when we leave here. I've been asked out five times since the testing began myself."

"You said no to every one of them didn't you?"

Vic sat up on his elbows, just to see the giant squid emerge from the water, "of course I did. I can't exactly go out with anyone, honestly I'd just snog them and be done with it if I could. But I'm better than that. So I just say no to get away from the frustrating heartbreak."

"Charming," Alexandria wrinkled her nose.

"You need my undivided attention, I can't exactly get a girl and go snog if you'"

"So it's my fault?"

Vic sat up fully and took her hands, "it's no one's fault. I just don't want to be with anyone, you need me and that's how it's going to stay." Vic looked up at the sky, "until we find a cure that is."

Alexandria frowned, "you can go get yourself a girl, you know?"

"I would if it didn't mean leaving you alone," Vic let go of her hands, "we have a tight bond that can't be broken and no girl can understand that, they'll get jealous that I care so much about you and that my best mate happens to have bigger breasts than theirs. It's not worth it in the end really."

Alexandria looked down at her chest before pulling her robe about her chest tighter, "well either way I won't have you become some guy that collects cats."

"Nah....I'd collect dragons. Dragons are cool," Vic winked.

Alexandria laughed slightly as the sun shined brightly and the rays warmed her skin, "you can have your dragons so long as they don't eat my cats then."

Vic snorted and the two started laughing hysterically, there was a cough above them and the two looked up to see Scott studying them curiously.

"Hello you two, NEWTS going well?" Scott asked as he smiled.

"Brilliantly, can't believe we'll be done soon," Vic commented.

"Alexandria, I was wondering if you would--"

The sweetest scent reached Alexandria, causing her to sit up straight as a pin from the impact of the smell, she jumped to her feet. Scott looked at her in confusion, never having seen Alexandria act without grace, "I'm sorry Scott, but I have to run. I'm not feeling too hot."

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