Chapter 36

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Alexandria laid on the floor of the bathroom, the coldness of the tiles seeped through her towel, slowly creeping down to her bones. Any other person would shiver, retract from the cold, curl up and find some source of warmth. But not her, Alexandria felt a shiver run through her spine--possibly out of habit and reflex as she listened to Fred and George in the hall.

"I swear I heard something."

"She said she was taking a shower."

"I don't hear the water anymore. I'm telling you I heard something break."

Alexandria turned her face to right and looked at the shards of glass scattered along the floor and at her bloodied hand, George was completely right. After her shower, Alexandria looked in the mirror to see what she'd become: the hazel of her eyes were now just shimmering dots compared to the black that absorbed her eyes. Soulless and deadly. Threatening destruction in an instant. Alexandria pulled her towel closer to her body, closing her eyes as the need for blood slowly ate away at her. As she laid on the floor, she heard a gentle tapping sound, with great effort she propped herself on her elbows and silently told Fred to disappear.

Unfortunately, Fred slipped into the small bathroom, locking the door behind him as he took in Alexandria's appearance and the shattered mirror beside her. He lifted her to her feet and held her hands gingerly, examining them for any cuts or injuries, but all he found was dried blood on her right hand and wrist. Of course her injuries would have disappeared by now, that was one of the advantages of being a vampire.

"Lexi..." Fred said quietly.

"Just leave me--"

"I'm not going to let you hurt yourself, you're too valuable to me," Fred gripped her hands a bit tighter as he frowned at the noticeable shadows of scars that traveled up her arms.

The scars shouldn't be there....Alexandria...why're you doing this? Fred studied her closely, fearing for her sanity.

"Fred..." Alexandria shook her head. "You shouldn't say things like that."

Fred's thumb traced her cheekbone as he stared into her eyes, searching for the girl he missed so much, "why shouldn't I? Because you're different? You didn't ask for this to happen to you, and it doesn't define you as a person. None of that matters to me, Lex. Never has and it never will. I keep trying to tell you this, and I'll tell you everyday if I have to."

Alexandria averted her gaze as she coughed slightly, Fred nervously pressed his lips to hers--hoping she wouldn't go berserk on him as he kissed her. When they pulled apart Fred cupped her angelic face between his palms gently as he stared into her eyes that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Do you need....anything?" Fred coughed slightly, his throat suddenly felt very dry as he watched his reflection in the black orbs. The angelic face looking more demonic as time passed.

"I can take care of myself," Alexandria reprimanded him sternly, just above Fred's collar she could make out his pulse which was hammering away at a quick pace. Her fangs unsheathed themselves without her consent, Alexandria took a step away from Fred as her instincts screamed at her to dig her fangs into his neck and never let go.

Fred gave a small smile and nodded, "course you can. That's why you're in tip top shape and why you look ready to attack me."

Alexandria glared at Fred, not saying a word as he swooped down and began to pick up the pieces of glass. Fred gave a sharp in take of air and cursed lowly, Alexandria didn't have to look to know what happened. She could smell it instantly. Fred had hurt himself and now he was bleeding. And badly.

Alexandria clutched her hand over her mouth and closed her eyes, pushing out any desire for blood as the magnificent fragrance of Fred's blood drifted up to her nostrils. She listened to Fred shuffling around, cursing and talking to himself quietly.

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