Chapter 29

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Fred sat enjoying a pumpkin juice, Alexandria dozing on his shoulder, while people spoke quietly or helped move the injured to the infirmary. Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas sat down across from Fred, Dean looked apprehensively at Alexandria while Seamus looked disgusted.

"Suppose they can get going now," Seamus gestured his drink toward the dozing vampire.

"They have every right to be here, Finnigan. They saved countless lives," Fred countered.

"Yeah, but they're probably thirsty. I'm surprised they didn't rip anyone's throats out," Seamus whispered as he leaned forward.

"If you keep talking, I may just do that myself," Peter mused while seating himself beside Fred. "You have no right to tell us to leave little boy."

"Little boy?! You're younger than me!" Seamus spat.

"I died when I was twenty. A hundred years ago," Peter informed him.

Seamus looked ready to retort but he took a few more sips of his drink instead, Fred didn't need to be a vampire to smell the firewhiskey wafting off the Irishman. "I'm not alone when I say you three should leave."

Peter raised an eyebrow, scoffing slightly before moving to stand on the table. He looked around, many eyes looked at him curiously, Peter coughed loud enough as the hall slowly silenced and eyes focused on him.

"Who here would feel better if the three vampires who helped save your lives tonight left right now?" Peter questioned the room at large. Fred felt Alexandria stir beside him, her arms slipped around his waist and she pressed herself closer to him, her eyes fluttering open as the tension began building. "Come on, speak up! We don't hold grudges!"

But no one answered right away, "alright. I'll take your silence as confirmation," Peter sighed and shook his head. "Typical wizards, what a bunch of pansies," Peter hissed more to himself as he jumped from the table and landed with ease. "Come on, Alexandria, we're going," he muttered to Alexandria who was finally awake and aware of the atmosphere.

"I'm staying with Fred," Alexandria protested, Fred hid his smile as Alexandria clung tighter to his shirt.

Peter heaved a sigh before wrapping his arms firmly around her midriff and pried her off Fred, carrying her out of the hall with ease, many watching them go as Alexandria swore up and down to have Peter's head for this.

"You didn't have to make him do that," Fred muttered at Seamus, who looked unperturbed.

"Not my fault he took away your girl," Seamus shrugged without a care.

Fred stood up quickly, glaring at Seamus, "you know. You accepted Lupin after finding out he was a werewolf. That man died protecting us, he had a child. Why does it have to be different for Alexandria and them?" He started walking off after Peter and Alexandria until a thought occurred to him.

He stood on the table beside him, eyes all fell upon Fred Weasley as he coughed, waiting for the room to quiet down. "If we can accept Lupin, why can't we accept them? They're just the same as us, Lupin died protecting, fighting for us and it besmirches his memory to shun a couple of vampires," Fred frowned, was this really how everyone viewed vampires?

His gaze swept the room and many looked down to the ground, hanging their heads in shame, "I'm sure many of us were saved by them. So this is how you treat them?" Fred jumped off the table and began walking out of the hall.

Fred sighed before thinking of what to do next, he decided to go to the Hospital Wing where many of the injured had been moved to. He quickly made his way there to find it packed, Hannah Abbot and Justin Finch-Fletchly were running around the room helping Madame Pomfrey as she worked on the countless patients. Fred found Vic's bed, noting that he was sitting up and drinking a bowl of soup as George sat beside him, his feet propped up on the bed.

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