Chapter 32

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"Do you not like coffee?"

She looked up at Colleen and shook her head, "I haven't had coffee in so long, I forgot how strong it was."

Colleen nodded, her eyes flashing, "well, we have returned to our home and things seem to be calming down as of now. The Ministry has offered aide to us, but we're fine without them."

Alexandria gave a grunt, she hadn't been the one to want to meet, it was Colleen who sent the owl and requested a meeting down the street just like before. All Alexandria wanted to do was sleep, it was her day off from work, and she just wanted to curl up and hide her face from the world.

"The reason I have asked to meet you is to offer you what I've offered before. A spot among us, a home with people that understand you," Colleen spoke up as she stirred her coffee, her eyes never leaving Alexandria's.

Alexandria looked into the black coffee, not knowing what she should say. If she still had Vic in her life, she would refuse the offer completely in a heartbeat, but he no longer wanted to be a part of her life. She'd already stayed with Colleen and the others before, it wouldn't be much different now--would she be missed much if she left? She felt horrible to be staying with Fred and George, taking their food and using Fred's room while he slept on the couch, because he was a gentlemen. Their flat was so small that she felt as if she were intruding on them, which is why she went to get her job back--so she could contribute her way while there. 

"I'll give you a minute to decide," Colleen smiled, getting up and walking to the bathroom.

Alexandria watched her back before looking between James and Peter, "so..." she started.

"You do realize you aren't walking out of here unless you join her, right?" Peter whispered, pushing his coffee away from him.

"She wants you with us, and bad," James agreed.

Alexandria nodded slightly, "I thought as much."

"Have you talked to that bloke of yours?" Peter questioned curiously.

Alexandria grunted, shifting uncomfortably, "you know, during that battle, we got cornered together by five of those Death Eaters and he looked at me and said: 'whatever you do. Watch out for Lexi," as if he were going to die," James shrugged. "That bloke really cares about you."

"Shut up," Alexandria snapped. She knew that, it was always evident that Vic cared more about Alexandria than his hair--which he spent thirty minutes a day getting perfect or it bothered him. Alexandria's chest constricted tightly as she thought of how she had treated him, she cared about him so much but she had ruined everything by just saying the wrong thing.

James rolled his eyes and sighed, "you do realize that if you do agree to join us, you'll never see any of them again. Not Vic, not Fred, not George. You'll never speak to them again for as long as they live. That's the price of joining Colleen and her coven permanently."

Alexandria looked across the room as Colleen approached, she took her seat between James and Peter. "Have you come to a decision?" She asked calmly.

Alexandria scowled slightly, "you weren't going to mention that I would never see my friends again, were you?"

"Well, I just thought that after everything, that you wouldn't be so upset over that," Colleen simply smiled at her.

"'After what has happened?" Alexandria demanded.

"When James and Peter returned, I thought you would be with them and they mentioned you had a row with--"

"So the reason why we're here, is because you heard I'd had a row with someone and you thought that you could take me away from my friends?" Alexandria interrupted rudely, her blood pressure rising by the second.

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