Chapter 26

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Alexandria looked around the room, all conversations stopped and all eyes fell upon the three vampires that stood before the portrait. Neville had disappeared through the tunnel again which left the vampires to await his return, with every wand pointed at their un-beating hearts. Many people from Dumbledore's Army stood around the room, people who were once friendly toward Alexandria, now looked at her like a monster.

She remembered how she desperately wanted to be accepted after her attack, how she begged Vic to join Dumbledore's Army in order for some normalcy in her life after he had found out her the people she'd formed some kind of bond with looked at her with pure fear and loathing. Was she really just a monster to them now? It made Alexandria clench her fists and lift her chin slightly, if this was how people viewed her, especially ones who had once accepted her once upon a time; then so be it, but she wouldn't let it hurt her.

"James, do you have your knife on you? I'd like to cut the tension," Peter whispered lowly.

Alexandria gave him a harsh look, "don't make horrible jokes do you hear?"

"Why're you here, vampire?" Seamus Finnigan spat angrily as he stepped forward, his wand raised and pointed at Alexandria. "Piss off."

A few others stepped forward as well, wands raised toward their un-beating hearts, but then Susan Bones, Hannah Abbot, and Justin Finch-Fletchly separated themselves from the onlookers and instead came to stand protectively before the three vampires. Their wands raised up at the group of on lookers.

"What do you think you're doing? There's a fight coming and they're here to help obviously," Justin raised his wand a bit higher, he looked at Alexandria and smiled slightly. "Right?" Alexandria nodded, she was happy that at least three people still trusted her.

"What do you three think you're doing?! They're monsters, they're... untrustworthy people who only want our blood," Pavarti Patil said in a rush. James scoffed as he folded his arms over his chest beside Alexandria.

"Not yours, darling. I've had enough prissy little girls in my time," James spoke as he crossed his arms in front of him.

"Alexandria was a student and friend to many of us in this room," Hannah spoke up.

"She was a Hufflepuff and us Hufflepuffs stick together, especially in times like these," Justin continued. "We need them."

"But she's murdered so many people," Michael Corner spoke up.

"Who told you that?" Alexandria asked politely, stepping beside Susan who gave a very small smile at her.

"The Prophet--"

"And do you know who has the Prophet in his grasp right now? Do you honestly believe that rubbish?" Alexandria demanded the room at large.

The assembled students all fell silent, "how do we know...that we can trust you?" Pavarti whispered.

"Because a Hufflepuff is loyal and honest, that's what I am. I am a--"

"You're a bloodsucker is what you are," Padma Patil spat, raising her wand higher.

Alexandria took a deep breath as she stepped forward, moving closer to Padma, noticing that she was trembling terribly as Alexandria towered over her. She noticed that with every step, more wands were pointed at her, was this really how things were going to be? Alexandria sighed as she shook her head, it was time to play hard ball.

"Let's paint a little picture shall we?" Alexandria spoke softly, extending her fangs menacingly as she stared straight into Padma's eyes. "You say there's a battle coming, why else for all of this if not to prepare for battle? Now, let's say you continue to call us harsh names and point your wands at us, and you're suddenly trapped like a fly in a spider's web by a Death Eater. And you see us, you try to get to our attention by crying for help, but instead of help. Us bloodsuckers turn the other way, leaving you to die." Alexandria smirked at the horrified expressions she saw around the room, stepping even closer to Padma as she whimpered in fear. Alexandria gripped her chin, forcing the girl to stare into her eyes. "Would you like the immortal being who can't be brought down by simple spells to save you, or would you rather we just drank your blood? We are....heartless bloodsuckers after all, and after our rather long trip....a drink sounds--"

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