Chapter 31

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Looking around, it was easy to tell who was new and who was returning. The students who were returning for another year stood around greeting old friends they'd missed over the break, while the new students clung to their parents, and looked at the train with nerves and excitement coursing through them. 

Victor Ryder, was not terrified, in fact he was more than excited and a little confident. Not because he was a know it all, but because his parents had spent the past year preparing him for this very day. Although he was a bit nervous, not because today changes everything, but because of his height. Vic was taller than many of the other first years, he could very easily be spotted in the crowd, that was what made him frown as he looked around the train station. He didn't want to be left out because of his height. 

"Now, Victor, I want you to try hard in your classes." 

"Do us proud, bud." 

Vic looked up at his parents and nodded confidently, "don't worry. I'll bring back good grades for you." 

They hugged together tightly for a moment before Vic gave a deep breath and headed onto the train. Once on he noticed the compartments were filling quickly, he hurried to the back of the train as it gave a whistle outside. 

"I'm so sorry! Please, I didn't mean to." 

"You've gone and ruined my favorite blouse, idiot!" 

Vic looked over his shoulder, two girls were standing off, one looking incredibly pissed with a large stain on her blue blouse, while the other girl continued to frantically apologize for her blunder. 

"Everything alright?" Vic asked, coming toward them, he noticed a large cup laying on its side with all contents spilled over. The girls turned their eyes on him, the taller one with the ruined blouse looked at him angrily. 

"This doesn't concern you," she snapped rudely. 

Vic looked to the second girl, noticing her head was down and her face was hidden behind a veil of strawberry blonde locks. " does...since she's my sister," Vic lied with a great effort. 

The strawberry blonde snapped her head up in confusion, Vic saw just how beautiful she was and nodded confidently, "whatever she did, I'm sure we can fix it easily." 

The girl glared but huffed, sizing him up slowly as if thinking of her next move, "you better watch your sister then." She hit his shoulder as she passed with another huff and toss of her brown hair. 

"How'd you know she'd buy that?" The girl asked quietly. 

Vic shrugged, "helps being taller I suppose. Also confidence, you have to have a lot of that if you're going to succeed in anything. I'm Victor by the way." 

"I'm Alexandria," the girl smiled while extending out her hand for Vic to take. 

Vic scrunched his face up before smiling, "can I call you Lexi? Alexandria seems really formal." 

Alexandria regarded him slightly with a grin, nodding excitedly, "but only if I can call you Vic. Victor is sort of a mouthful." She bounced on her feet slightly, "I never had a nickname before," her voice filled with excitement that sparkled in her eyes. 

Vic laughed slightly, "didn't have many friends growing up I imagine?" 

At this Alexandria looked down to her feet, her cheeks suddenly flushing a deep red, Vic frowned and held out his hand for her again. "I'm on, let's go find somewhere to sit. We can chat more then." 

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