Chapter 1

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A/N: The person this chapter is dedicated to made the awesome cover above! :D

"Hey, Matthew!" Josh calls out in front of my house in the middle of summer morning. "You ready for some football?" I go to my bedroom window, which faces the street. He holds up the ball to show me. "It'll be great!" he adds.

"Uh, yeah. Sure," I reply. "Give me a second!" I walk across my room to the dresser and get out a white T-Shirt and a pair of blue shorts. I quickly get dressed, walk to the bathroom to brush my hair, and go downstairs past my sleepy parents eating breakfast. "I'm going out," I tell them. "Josh wants me to play football with them."

Out of both of my parents, I look a lot like mom. We share the curly black hair and blue eyes, and we're slim-build. I only have freckles from my dad, but we share an interest in water activities. Him, sailing. Me, swimming. My sister looks a little like dad, but that's the only connection she has with this family, making her the black sheep. With black lipstick to match.

Mom looks up from her plate. "Already?" she asks. "Well, have fun and be safe."

"I always do." I grab a granola bar from the kitchen counter near the front door. I unwrap it and start eating it as I walk outside towards Josh and a few other guys. As soon as I finish my "breakfast", I put the wrapper in my pocket. Josh, a brown-haired bodybuilder-type, smiles.

"Alright, let's go!" he calls out. The guys and I huddle together, split by two teams. Josh shouts out random numbers to start, and yells, "Hike!" He throws the ball to the guy behind him, and he tries to get past the other team. We start getting rough as the game grows more serious. Before I know it, my team gets a touchdown. "Man, that was awesome!" Josh says.

"Yeah!" I say back. At the same moment, I see a couple of girls walking by us on the sidewalk, talking to each other. I stop where I'm standing as they laugh at something one of them says. The first girl is wearing a pink sundress with purple flip-flops, and the second girl has on a yellow tank top and blue short-shorts with sneakers. They look as if there's not a care in the world they have.

"Yo, Matthew! Stop staring at the pretty girls and impress them with your skills!" Josh says.

"Huh?" I ask, looking back at him. He's positioned to start another game of football. I look back at the girls, and this time they're noticing me. The girl with the sundress says something, and she laughs. I think she's said something like, "He's such a guy, staring at us like that."

I shake my head before continuing the game. If only she knew.


Hours later I come into the house panting and sweating. I go to the fridge and get out a bottle of water. As I chug it down, I hear thumping sounds in the upstairs. I figure it's my sister Kelly playing her loud music in her room again, so I ignore it. Minutes later, I hear a crash. Curious, I leave the water on the counter and go up. I soon hear muffled words with the thumping and crashing, and soon after that, the words become clear. "You cheating bastard!"

My ears perk up. Cheating? Who is? I get to the top of the stairs, and I see my parents' door opened a crack. I slowly get closer to see inside the room. The walls are punched in, and shattered glass and pieces are on the floor. Dad is standing by the shards with his arms crossed in defense and a stone look on his face. I see my mom, and her face is red with fury.

"We've been married for twenty years!" she screams. "How could you have done that to me? Am I not enough for you?!" She screams again, and she throws a picture frame at him. Dad dodges as the frame flies past him and hits the wall, exploding on impact. "You rutty jackass!"

I quickly walk past the door as my dad starts yelling back at her. I see Kelly's Gothic room with the door wide open, and I take it as an invitation to enter. I close the door behind me and look at my younger sibling. She has her waist-length hair dyed purple and braided. Her I-don't-give-a-fuck posture consists of laying across the bed with one leg bent over the other. She has her earbuds in; no doubt Kelly doesn't know about World War III going on in the house.

As soon as Kelly notices me, she turns off her music in her Ipod. "What do you want?" she asks, pulling the earbuds out. "I don't remember saying you can come here."

"Listen," I say. I put an index finger to my lips. Kelly becomes silent, cocking her ear for sounds. Sure enough, a loud thump gets us to jump. She gives me a confused look.

"What the fuck is going on?" she asks me. Kelly stands up to open the door, but I block her. She glares at me. "It sounds like a meteor shower is happening here."

I shake my head. "Mom and dad are fighting," I say. "I think dad did something really bad."

Kelly snorts. "Yeah, no shit," she says. "Dad always does something 'really bad.'" She has a point; mom and dad fight on occasion. But they usually fight about who hasn't taken out the trash, or who spilled the milk in the living room. They've never fought about things more serious. Well, except now.

"This sounds serious," I say. A shatter, and I flinch. "Do you mind if I sleep here tonight?"

"Really? You're that much of a baby?" my sister asks. I give her a look, and she shrugs. "Fine. Under one condition."

"Sure, anything."

Kelly walks to her closet and pulls out a pair of pajamas. She holds them out for me, smirking. "You have to wear these for the night," she says. She pauses, and wrinkles her nose. "And wear some kind of perfume. You fucking reek."

My eyes widen as I stare at the pajamas. The bottoms are pink with brown puppies and gray kittens, with a light pink tank top to match with. I've never seen Kelly wear them, so I have no idea when or where she got them. She gives them to me so she can use her free hands to search for the perfume. I awkwardly stand in her room until she finds one. "Here." She tosses it to me. "Don't use so much. It's my favorite."

"Then why give it to me then?" I mumble as I go to the nearest bathroom. The cool thing about Kelly's bedroom is she has a bathroom attached to it, so I don't have to get out of "the safe zone" if I don't want to.

I lock the door behind me, and I look in the mirror, with my shirt covered in sweat, and my shorts clinging to my thighs. At sixteen, I'm showing signs of being a grown man, complete with facial hairs on my chin and lower cheeks. I'm also showing big muscle. I'd look ridiculous wearing Kelly's clothes. Then again, I don't want to step out of her room tonight . . .

I put the perfume down on the bathroom counter, and start stripping down to my boxers. I slowly take the top and glance at it before pulling it over my head. It's tight, but I manage to get it over my broad shoulders. I adjust the top before I put on the pants. I make adjustments there too, and then I look at the perfume. I tentatively reach out for it, and take off the cap. I spray it in the air so I can smell it. It's good, not over-powering, so I spray it all over me. When I'm done, I put the perfume on the counter again and look at the mirror again. I look the same, but with Kelly's clothes on instead of my own.

"Matthew, are you done yet?" Kelly complains. "You're taking too long in there." I don't reply; my mouth is open slightly at the mirror. Yeah, I don't look any different, but I feel different. I feel more . . . myself. "Matthew!"

"Okay, okay! Geez!" I come out of the bathroom, and Kelly rushes in, muttering about how I take longer getting ready than she does. I get out a spare blanket from her closet and I steal one of her pillows on her bed. I make a "bed" from the two things and make it nice. When Kelly comes out of the bathroom, I'm already in it and is laying down. Kelly looks down at me.

"I have a 'manlier' blanket if you want," Kelly says.

Looking at the blanket I have on me, I reply, "But then it won't match the pajamas I'm wearing."

Kelly laughs. "Sometimes I think you were supposed to be a girl," she says. She turns off the light, and goes to her bed. Without saying good night, she turns onto her side and immediately starts snoring.

I repeat the last thing she's said to me in my head. I close my eyes, and whisper, "That makes two of us."

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