Chapter 36

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Thanksgiving comes and goes, but there isn't a lot of things I want to give thanks to, except for the great food Day made. Steve and Day have filed the papers in court, but so far I haven't heard anything from the court. And neither have Josh's parents, judging from their constant checking on their emails and voice mails.

Both Josh and Mandy try their best to keep me laughing and having fun, though, so they're on my good side. I've gotten the courage to tell Mandy about the Fox Hole, and she was more than happy to accompany me at times. I think it was because I told her there might be some guys there.

Josh groans when we approach Mandy's car, which is already blaring with Christmas music. "Do you really need to listen to this shit so early?" he asks. Mandy responds with a middle finger raised proud.

"This 'shit' is good," Mandy defends, turning the radio up louder. "You're not going to ruin the atmosphere just because you're not feeling jolly."

No response from Josh. Mandy huffs before going silent. Until she turns to me. "How was your day, Miya?" she asks. "I see you've snitched one of my dresses."

I look down my front. "Explains the suspiciously pink color," I say.

Giggling, Mandy starts into one of the many fashion-disaster stories she's been telling me lately. Josh delves deeper into his seat, obviously trying to avoid hearing the conversation. Mandy ignores him, even when he starts whining about an alleged allergy he has about boring conversations.

I haven't paid much attention to the surroundings when we go to the house. Sure, I've definitely noticed the emptiness. But that was normal, considering the fact Mandy (and sometimes Josh and I) is the first to come home.

"Anything new for--" Mandy puts up a finger, shushing me. She cocks her head slightly. I'm confused about why she's doing that until I hear it too. No, not it. Them.

Well, great. Dad decided it's time for a visit.

I open my mouth again, this time to whisper, "I'm going to hide out upstairs. Come get me when a year has passed." I start up the stairs, and then reconsider. "Or when dinner's served."



I take my eyes off from a book and look at Day. She's got her hands clamped together, as if she's uncomfortable for what she's planning to tell me.

"Um," she stops to collect her thoughts. "Your father was here to discuss about your . . . near future."

"I figured." I throw the book on the desk. Feeling bad, I pick it up and put a bookmark in between the pages I'm on before placing it down again. "Let me guess: he doesn't like the fact you and Steve are filing for custody?"

Day purses her lips, which backs up my statement. "We're working through it," she says. I must not look convinced; she goes to sit next to me. "As soon as it's sorted, everything will be alright."

I lean back. "No offense, but how do you know about that?"

"Just a hunch." She looks around the room, where the only thing besides the desk and a couple of chairs is an ancient sewing machine. "You know, this room can be redecorated so it'll look more of a bedroom."

Grinning, I point out, "Isn't that counting the chickens before they hatch?"

Day shakes her head. "That's toying with an idea. There's a difference." I resist the urge to roll my eyes. She pauses to think. "Is there anything you want us to know? Something we can do?"

Actually, there is. It's been bothering me since she and Steve brought up the guardianship. "Am--will I be allowed to visit Kelly if the request goes through?" I ask.

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