Chapter 5

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Miss Young doesn't answer the girl's question fast enough. The girl saunters over to find a desk with her name on it. Near the front of the class. Which so happens to be the Gwen Davis desk next to me. "Oh, never mind. I got it," she says sweetly. She gazes at the English teacher. "Sorry I was late. I'm new here, and I got lost on my way."

Nodding, Miss Young picks up her attendance sheet. "I understand that feeling," she says. "What's your name?" Gwen tells her, and Miss Young scribbles something down. "You just missed the agenda for what units we'll be covering this year. If you want, you can ask Matthew next to you." She points at me for emphasis. "As long as he remembers what they are." Everyone laughs at the joke, including Gwen.

"I'll keep that in mind," Gwen replies, grinning at me. I start to look away, but think again. If I do that, she'll think I'm into her. I mentally stick my finger down my throat at the idea. Sorry Gwen, but you're not my type.

"That's great," Miss Young says. In no time, she picks up where she left off and continues talking for about another five minutes. I barely pay attention to her speech, instead using my lame attempt to contact Josh telepathically.

Dude! You won't believe this!  I think. The girl you pointed out at the gym is sitting next to me! And I think she likes me! Unfortunately like the many times I've done this before, it doesn't work. Maybe I can text him instead.

Making sure Miss Young doesn't look my way, I reach into my pocket. The phone swiftly glides down to my waiting hand, and I lift it up to under the desk. I watch out of the corner of my eye as I log in and tap on the Message App. I find Josh's number, and I use the one available thumb to type. Before I get "Dude" out, I'm caught.

"Matthew Morris, today's the first day and you're already on your phone?" Miss Young tsks. I'm pretty sure I look like the deer staring wide-eyed at the headlights; a few people cracks up. The English teacher holds out her hand. "Hand it over, bud," she orders. I comply, and more people snicker at the case my phone has. She simply ignores it and puts it on her desk before talking again.

With nothing to do now, I'm frozen in my seat. Now I'm sure my classmates here will go around telling their friends what they saw. I rarely take my phone out in public for the exact reason I'm now slightly red in the face. I'll have to face it again when the day's over; Miss Young states that if she confiscates a phone, the owner will have to get it after school.

After feeling like hours have gone by, Miss Young finally dismisses us, and we all get our things for the next class. I'm sprinting out the door when Gwen pulls on my arm. "Hey," she says, giving me that same grin from earlier.

I stop and face her. "Um, hi," I reply. I don't know how to deal with this. Unfortunately, Gwen can tell. 

"I think your case is pretty cool," she pipes up. "I don't normally see a lot of guys with Hello Kitty phone cases." She balances the books in her arms. How does she already have them? I ask in my head. "Did you get it for the pink, the picture, or did you just like it?"

I find it odd she'd ask me that. Then again, Gwen did say she doesn't know a lot of "guys" with the case. "Um, I guess the color," I answer, sounding lame.

Gwen brightens up. "That's cool." Thinking the awkward conversation's over, I walk off to another building, where my math class is. I hear fast scuffling behind me, and Gwen continues, "I gotta ask, are you straight?" 

"Um." A couple kids bump into us, and I think up of an answer. "I guess."

"What does that mean?" Gwen pushes her glasses up. "Is that your way of saying you're bisexual? Or pan? Maybe asexual?"

By now, I'm feeling uncomfortable by the seemingly endless questions Gwen's throwing in my direction. I mumbled, "Thank God," when I see my next class. "This is my class," I tell Gwen. "I guess we'll see each other again tomorrow?"

I keep walking, but Gwen stops me again. "Wait, can we compare schedules at least? So we can talk some more?" She sounds a little desperate, probably her new-kid side speaking. I've never been transferred to a new school, so I wouldn't know.

The bell rings, and I'm pretty sure Gwen doesn't want a no for an answer. I reach for the piece of paper I stashed in my backpack and hand it over to her. She takes it to compare her own. After a moment, Gwen gives my schedule back.

"Anything else?" I offer.

"The last class we have," she answers. "I didn't think of you as an artistic type."

I notice my math teacher giving us an evil eye. "I need an easy A," I say.

Giggling, Gwen tells me she'll see me in art, and we go in opposite directions. The final bell rings, and I slide in a random seat. The teacher stands himself by the board and uses a pointer for the important things we need to know about. I rest my head on my palm as I wish for the time to go faster. I'm pretty sure we don't have any purpose whatsoever for the second and more complicated version of algebra.

The universe seems to grant my wish; the dismissal bell rings and I go on my way to the third class. And after science, comes the lunch. Instead of the usual split into first and second lunches, everyone has it together. I enter the cafeteria, keeping an eye out for Josh. I see him sitting next to the very small stage with his usual overloaded tray. 

My best friend notices me and waves me over. I skip the lunch line, and head towards him. Before Josh can react, I steal his fries. "Don't complain," I say to him. "You have plenty."

"Not anymore, jackass," Josh responds. I laugh and dip a fry in a pool of ketchup. "What's new?"

I let myself eat the condiment-covered fry before I answer. "The girl you pointed out is in my English class." I immediately regret telling him.

"Holy fuck! You serious?" Josh exclaims. "Did you get her name? Tell me you did!" Bits of chewed up food flies out of his mouth as he flips out over the news. "Matthew, you better fucking tell me."

I lose my appetite, and slide the fries over to him. Josh takes them for granted. "Her name is Gwen," I say. "And we talked a little."

"About what?" Josh shoves the fries in his mouth. "Did you mention me?"

Giving him a weird look, I reply, "Dude, that would come off as creepy. It'll get Gwen running away as fast as a fish from a hook."

My best friend nods. "Good point." He pauses. "Do you guys have any more classes?"

I debate on whether to tell him about the last period. I've already seen him flipped out; I'm not really in the mood to see him flip out again.

"Matthew." Josh jabs me.

"Dude! OK, fine. We have art together." Well, shit, I think. "Last class of the day. You happy now?"

Josh's smile widens. "Dude, we have art together," he says. "That means Gwen and I have at least one class together. Matthew, thank you for being you." I'm confused about the 'being me' part. "I think art will be my new favorite class now."

"What about Robotics?" I ask. "You're always bragging about the cool things you get to do in that class. Not to mention torturing the freshmen whenever they make a mistake." Since Fife doesn't have a Robotics class, Josh has to take the bus to Columbia. I'm glad Kelly doesn't take it, though. Who knows what Josh will do around her.

Not that I'm suggesting anything.

"Well, Matthew," Josh says, kicking his feet up on the table. "I guess it's time for me to grow up." A teacher calls him out for the feet, but he ignores her.

I snort. "This coming from the guy who shrieks whenever he sees a Legos commercial," I say.

"Shut the fuck up, dude."

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