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"Song Jaena?!"

"Soohyun..." You know you are in wrong place when you are kissing with Kim Namjoon infront of his girlfriend. You thought the world are stop spinning when saw her mad face, wild dog is coming.

"You are my best friend, Gina but how could you?" You saw both of her eyes are tearing and she is trembling. You are never imagined, this situation is gonna be happen on you.

"Soohyun, there's a misunderstood here. It wasn't like what you thought." You tried to approach her but she keeping the gap between both of you.

"No, please keep thinking like what you thought. I am sorry, Soohyun." Namjoon said after quiet for awhile.

"What the fuck, Namjoon?" You can't believe with what you hear from Namjoon. Soohyun leave without say anything. You feel bad, of course but there's nothing you can do especially when you are the victim here.

"I am done." You walk leaving him and slammed the door hardly; a sign to Namjoon how's misreable you are right now and you wants to be alone amd you feel tears are falling on your face.

"Why I am involved in this stupid things?"

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