Chapter 11

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Twilight's POV

When I woke up, I was confused.

I remembered my name and the names of the guardians, but that's it.

I walked to the room next door and saw Jack with Cupid, but she wasn't awake.

After Jack left, I stayed.

"Hi Cupid. It's Twilight." I say quietly. "I know you've been asleep for a while, but everyone misses you. I just spoke to Jack, he really loves you. He has your necklace, sorry about that. Bunny and Jack still argue about everything. Tooth is worried, but she comes and takes care of you. North eats a lot, he's worried sick. Manny won't tell them what's going on, but I know."

I sigh and brush her hair off her eyes.

I straighten her dress and fix her hair.

Then I put her hands next to her sides.

"I woke up today. I remember a few things and I'm sorry for what I did. Thank you for making me good. I remember being a kid and believing in you, but you never made anyone fall in love with me. That's why when I died I didn't like you. I'm sorry. I really do want to be friends." I say to her.

I hear a soft knock on the door and turn to see Bunny.

"You know she can't hear you, right mate?" he asks.

I smile. "She can hear me. I know it. I've just got to get her to wake up." I tell him.

"And how's that Sheila?" he asks curiously.

"I don't know yet. But I'll find a way." I tell him.

He smiles and walks away.

"You have great friends Cupid. They care a lot about you. I see what Jack meant by he loves them." I say.

I stroke my hand over her forehead and smile softly.

"You really are beautiful." I tell her.

I stand up and walk out of the room.


For the next few days I try to figure out how to wake Cupid up.

Finally, on Friday, I figure it out.

I run down the halls looking for Jack.

"Jack!" I shout as soon as I see him.

"Whoa, slow down kid." Jack says chuckling.

"I think I found a way to wake up Cupid." I tell him.

"How?" he asks.

I grab his hand and start running to Cupid's door.

"Slow down kid!" Jack shouts.

I don't listen and keep running.

When we make it to Cupid's room, Tooth is just leaving.

I walk in, dragging Jack behind me.

"Kiss her." I tell him.

"Excuse me?" Jack asks.

"Kiss. Her." I tell him again.

"How...?" Jack starts.

"Just do it." I say.

He sighs and walks over to her.

He sits next to her and brushes the hair out of her eyes.

I smile and sit cross legged on the floor.

Jack bends down and kisses Cupid on the lips.

When he pulls back, nothing happens.

"It didn't work." Jack deadpans.

"Just wait." I tell him.

"For what? She's never going to wake up." he tells me.

I sigh and shake my head.

"So you're just going to give up?" Bunny asks, over hearing what Jack said.

"What's the point?" Jack asks.

"The point is she loves you." Bunny says.

As they argue I watch Cupid.

Her eyes open and she slowly sits up.

"Boys." I say.

They keep arguing.

"Hey, boys." I say a little louder.

Nope, they still argue.

"Guys!" I shout.

"What?!" The both shout at me.

I point to Cupid and they stare, shocked.

Cupid's POV

I blink a few times.

Bunny and Jack stopped arguing and are staring at me.

"Uh, can you please stop staring at me?" I ask them.

Jack blushes and they stop.

I smile when I see Twilight.

The sand worked.

She's nice and I see she's younger.

"Hello Twilight." I say.

She smiles and waves.

"Has anyone talked to Mary and Daniel?" I ask.

Jack face palms and Bunny shakes his head.

"Can someone bring them here?" I ask.

"I'll do it mate." Bunny says.

I smile and he leaves.

Twilight gets up and slowly walks over to me.

I open my arms and she hugs me.

"You are forgiven." I tell her.

Her smile grows and she hugs me tighter.

Jack stands there watching.

"Twilight, can we be alone for a minute?" I ask her.

She nods and leaves.

I open my arms again and Jack walks over and hugs me tight.

"I thought I lost you for good." he tells me.

"Now why would I do that?" I ask.

"I'm being serious Cupid." Jack says.

"I'm sorry." I tell him and I hug him back.

We stay like that for a while until I speak again.

"So, you think I'm beautiful?" I ask.

Jack pulls back and looks at me.

"The most beautiful person I've ever seen." he says, then kisses my forehead.

I blush.

"I love you Cupid." he says.

"I love you too Jack." I tell him.

I kiss him and he smiles.

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