Chapter 7

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Jack's POV

I look down at Cupid and see her face turn red.

"We should get ready to meet the others." I say.

She nods and I let go of her.

I stand up and walk to my room.

When I close the door I sigh.

I walk to my bed and lay down.

I make a snowflake over my finger and make it fly around the room.


After laying on my bed for a few minutes I hear knock on the door.

"What?" I ask.

Bunny opens the door.

"Meeting in the globe room. Come on." he says.

I grab my staff and follow him.

When we get to the globe room I see Cupid isn't there.

"Jack. Good. Cupid will be here later. Sit." North says.

I sit down next to Tooth and North starts talking about Twilight and how to beat her but I just zone out.

"Jack!" Tooth says waving a hand in my face.

"What?" I ask.

"North just asks how you got Cupid back to normal after she was hit with the black ball." she says.

"It was easy. She's the protector of love so, you just need to show her love. Mary and Danny hugged her and poof, normal Cupid." I say.

North starts talking again and I zone out.

Cupid's POV

After Jack left I get off my bed and go into the closet.

I see clothes with many shades of red, pink, and white.

I decide on a pair of red jeans, a pink shirt, and a white hoodie with hearts on it.

I then go into the bathroom and brush my hair.

I pull the necklace out of my hoodie so that I can see it.

I smile and walk back into my room.

I put on my sandals and grab my bow and arrows.

Then I walk out the door.


I walk around the North Pole till I come to the workshop.

I smile and fly over to one of the yetis.

He is painting blue robots red.

I smile and start helping him.

When we finish, I fly around again.

"Cupid!" I hear Mary call.

I land next to her and smile.

"You're not wearing your normal dress. Why?" she asks.

"I wanted to change it up after 321 years." I say.

She smiles and Daniel walks up behind her.

"Hi Cupid. Hi Mary." Daniel says.

"Hello Daniel." I say.

"Why don't you ever call him Danny?" Mary asks.

"I guess I'm not used to nicknames." I say.

"It's ok. I like both." Daniel says.

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