Chapter 4

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Cupid's POV

I look back and see Jack smiling after I tell him where we are going.

Then I feel tapping on my arm.

"Yes?" I ask Mary.

"You like Jack don't you?" she whispers to me.

I smile and feel my face get warm.

"Please don't tell anyone." I whisper to her.

She nods.

"Now, why would you be keeping secrets from me?" Jack pouts.

I smiles and Mary sticks her tongue out at him.

"So, that's the way it's going to be?" Jack says.

He grabs Mary's arm and she let's go of me, next Jack grabs my ankle and makes me do flips.

I hear them laughing and I smile.

"I'm still not telling you!" Me and Mary yell at the same time.

I see Jack frown but he stops trying.

I fly back over to them and take Mary and Daniel's hands.

Jack let's go and smirks at me.

"Watch this." I tell them.

They watch as pink dust forms on my hand and goes towards Jack.

It forms a heart in front of his face, then hits him and disappears.

I fly towards the ground and land in a park, with Jack following us.

I let go of Mary and Daniel and they sit down.

"Nothing happened." Daniel says.

"Just watch." I say and Jack lands.

He walks over to Mary and makes a snowflake out of ice and floats it down to her.

She smiles and stands up and hugs him.

"Ok, what did you do?" I hear someone ask from behind me.

"Hello." Mary says.

"Hi, I'm Jamie." says the kid.

"I'm Mary and this is Danny." Mary says to Jamie.

I smile.

"What did you do to Jack?" Jamie asks me.

"You can see me?" I ask him.

"Yea. Why wouldn't I?" he asks me.

I walk over to him and fly about a foot off the ground, then land.

"I'm Cupid." I say.

Jamie just stares at me in awe.

"And to answer your question, I sprinkled Jack with magic dust, which in this case, makes him nicer." I say.

Jamie nods and walks over to Jack, who is shaking his head to get the last of the dust away.

"What did you do to me?" Jack ask as I walk over.

"Made you nicer." I say.

I take off my bow and arrow and set it.

"You're not going to shoot me are you?" Jack asks.

I laugh. "No, but I could." I say.

Jack's POV

After we fly around the world making people fall in love, and take Mary and Daniel home, we head back to the Pole.

I am flying upside down when I see North and his sleigh above us.

"Jack! Cupid! Get in!" Tooth yells at us.

We fly to the sleigh and sit in the back on either side of Bunny.

"What's going on?" I ask.

North turns around and looks at me.

"It's Twilight." he says.

I must look confused because Tooth starts talking.

"She is the spirit of night. She is evil and is coming after.....Cupid." Tooth says.

I straighten up when she tells me that.

"Why me?" Cupid asks.

"Imagine the spirit of love, but opposite, spreading hate and evil." Bunny says.

"So, she....she wants to make me.....e-evil?" Cupid stutters.

I can see the fear in her eyes, and that makes me angry.

"I'll meet you at the Pole." I say as I jump out of the sleigh and into the night.

I make sure that the sleigh is far enough away so that they can't see me, and I start to shoot ice from my staff.


When I get to the Pole I notice everyone is asleep.

I walk into the room I slept in last night and see Cupid asleep on the couch, wrapped in the blanket.

I sit down in the chair, about to fall asleep, when she starts crying in her sleep.

I look at Cupid and she is gripping the blanket hard enough to make her knuckles white.

A nightmare.

I stand up and sit in front of her and put my hand on her back.

She starts to calm down and I feel her relax.

After a few minutes I stand back up and climb into the chair, and fall asleep.

Cupid's POV

I wake up and see Jack asleep in the chair.

He is again, hugging his staff.

I smile and sit up.

I wrap the blanket around me and walk over to Jack.

"Go away Cupid." he says still asleep.

I just stand there, shocked.

"Stay away from me and don't talk to me again, Cupid." he says, still asleep.

I walk backwards, silently crying.

I hit the wall and feel the wind of the open window and fly out.

Jack's POV

I wake up and see Cupid isn't there. I sit up and see a note on the table.

Dear Jack,
I guess you don't want me around so I'm leaving. Just tell the guardians I couldn't handle the pressure and I won't be back. Don't bother looking for me because, even if you do, I won't speak to you. You have broken my heart by telling me to leave. You were one of my only friends.

I reread the note about six times.

She left, because of what I said in my sleep.

I put my head in my hands and slump against the wall.

"Mate, where is Cupid?" Bunny asks as he walks in.

"She left." I tell him.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"She said she couldn't handle the pressure and left. She won't be back and said not to look for her, because even if we find her, she won't talk to us." I tell him, trying to keep my voice normal.

"This is not good, mate." Bunny says.

"Twilight said she was going to look for Cupid and when she does she will take her." I stand up when he says this and jump out the window.

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