Chapter 1

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Cupid's POV

I am flying around looking for love when I spot some.

I see a 10 year old boy walking up to a girl, who looks like she is sad.

"M-Mary?" the boy says. Mary, the girl, looks up.

"D-Daniel?" Mary says.

I smile and get my bow and arrow ready.

"Mary, what's wrong?" Daniel asks her.

"Collin just dumped me!" Mary cries.

I put my arrow down and look at them.

"Why?" Daniel asks.

Mary looks at him.

"I don't know. I guess I'm not worth it." she says.

I gasp.

"Mary, you are worth it. Any guy would be lucky to have you." Daniel says.

I smile.

"Really? Thanks Danny." Mary says.

"I haven't heard that in a while." Daniel/Danny says.

I get my arrow ready and aim at Daniel.

I shoot the arrow and it hits him in the back.

I smile and put the bow over my head so it is on one shoulder like the arrow holder.

"Mary, um... will you go out with me?" Daniel asks.

Mary smiles and hugs him. "Yes!" she says.

They walk away hand in hand.


After a long day of making people fall in love, I see Mary and Daniel in the park again.

"Danny, why are we here?" Mary asks.

"I told you, I think I saw someone when we were here earlier." Daniel says.

I sigh and land behind them, but I step on a twig.

Daniel and Mary turn around and gasp.

"Who are you?" they ask.

I point to myself and they nod.

"You can see me?" I ask.

They nod again.

"I'm Cupid." I tell them.

A smile spreads across my face and I see it on theirs too.

"No, way!" Mary says. "So can you, like, fly? Where are your wings?"

I laugh a little and lift into the air.

I show them the wings on my shoes.

"Here are my wings and here I am flying." I say, their mouths hang open.

"Do you guys wanna try?" I ask them.

"We can try?" Mary asks.

I nod and she squeals.

"Mary, how can we be so sure as to trust her?" Daniel asks.

"She's Cupid." Mary says.

"Ok, give me your hands." I tell them.

They hold out their hands and I grab them.

Then I fly into the air with them laughing.


"That. Was. Awesome." Daniel says after we land.

I laugh.

"Will we see you again?" Mary asks.

"Of course." I say.

With that, they go home and I fly around some more.

Jack's POV

"Quiet! Man in moon is speaking!" North shouts.

We all stop talking and wait.

The man in the moon makes the ice stand thing come up from the floor.

I am told it tells us who the next guardian is and I smile.

I finally won't be the new one.

"A new guardian!" Tooth squeals.

"Please don't be the ground hog." Bunny repeats over and over.

We all try to guess who it is, when a picture of a girl with red hair, sandals with wings, bow and arrow, and a white linen dress shows up.

"Cupid?" Bunny asks.

"Ok?" I laugh a little and sit down.

The stand goes back into the floor and North turns around.

"Who's going to get her?" Tooth asks.

"Frost." North says.

"Alright." I say.

"You're sending snow boy to get Cupid?" Bunny asks.

"Yes. Now go." North says.

I smile and jump out the window and into the wind.


I get to the town she is in and stop.

I look around and see snow melting even though it's not even Valentines Day.

I make it snow and start searching.

"That. Was. Awesome." I hear a kid say.

"Will we see you again?" another kid asks.

"Of course." an sweet older voice says.

I look down and see someone with red hair fly off and kids walking home.

I follow the red head and notice that it's Cupid.

She stops at a park and sits on an bench, smiling.

I land in front of her.

"Are you Cupid?" I ask her.

"Yes. May I ask who you are?" she answers.

"I'm Jack Frost. Winter spirit and guardian of fun." I tell her.

She stands up when I say my name, like she's heard it before.

"Jack Frost, I haven't seen you since you became you." Cupid says while walking towards me.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"I saw you once before. The day you fell in the ice. I couldn't help you because you didn't believe." she sighs.

"Ok then." I say.

She walks over to me and pokes my staff with the end of an arrow.

"Why are you here, Jack Frost?" Cupid asks.

I laugh by the way she says my whole name.

"I'm here to take you to the North Pole." I say.

She stares at me and I start to feel uncomfortable.

"Ok. Then let's go." she says after a while.

I sigh with relief when she looks away.


"How long can you fly with out getting tired?" I ask her.

"I'm supposed to get tired?" she asks. I laugh and fly upside down.

"I don't know. I ride the wind." I say.

I start to do flips when something dons on me.

"What do you even do on Valentines Day?" I ask her.

She looks at me and smiles.

"Go around making people fall in love." she says dreamy eyed.

I roll my eyes and continue North.

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