Chapter 3

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Cupid's POV

"Let's make this even more fun. Girls against boys." Jack says.

"No fair, he can make snow." Mary whines.

Jack smiles and I laugh.

"But he won't hit me." I whisper to her. "And Daniel won't hit you."

She smiles and nods.

"What are you two whispering about?" Daniel asks.

"Oh nothing. Of your concern that is." I say and Mary laughs.

"Lets start then." Jack says.

I pick up snow and make a snow ball.

I throw it and it hits Daniel in the arm, Jack throws one and it hits Mary in the leg, Daniel throws one and it hits me in the side, and Mary throws one it hits Jack in the chest.

We all laugh and continue throwing snow balls.


After a while, I finally throw one at Jack and it hits him in the head.

He looks at me and smirks and I break out laughing.

Ok, I admit it, I like Jack Frost. And by like I mean I am finally feeling love. I think to my self.

Suddenly, I get hit in the back with a snow ball and I shiver.

"Oh, man. We got to go. Bye Cupid! Bye Jack!" Daniel says as he and Mary run home.

"Bye guys!" Jack calls and I wave.

I bend down and pick up snow then throw it at Jack, which hits him in the face.

I try to keep a straight face but break out laughing.

"Oh, so that's how you wanna play it?" Jack says.

He flys over to me and slaps snow on my back.

The snow melts and runs down my back.

I jump up from the coldness.

"Cold!" I yell.

I hear Jack laughing and decide to run.

Jack's POV

I look up from laughing and see Cupid running into the woods.

I get up and grab my staff.

"Hey! Where are you going?" I yell to her.

She just keeps running and I follow her.

Suddenly she comes to a stop.

When I catch up to her I see her face is white and she is shaking.

I look at what she is starring at and gasp.

There is a rope with a loop hanging from a tree; this is the place she died.

I grab her hand and pull her into my chest.

She hugs me and cries.

"Cupid, it's ok. Let's head back to the pole." I say.

She nods into my chest and stops crying.

"Ok." she says as she pulls away.

Ok, fine, I admit it, I fell for Cupid. I think to myself.

I notice she hasn't let go of my hand yet and she is still shaking.

I jump into the air and pull her with me.


When we get back to the Pole, North is waiting for us.

"Where have you two been?" he asks.

"I told you we were going to visit her believers." I say.

He looks at me.

"Yeah but for five hours?" he asks.

"We had a snowball fight, they now believe in me too." I explain.

I look back at Cupid who is pale faced and leaning on a wall.

"What's wrong with her?" Bunny asks as he walks in.

"Oh, um... we kind a.....saw....the place where she died." I say in a rush.

Bunny and North gasp and walk over to Cupid.

North wraps a blanket around her and Bunny puts her on the couch.

"We're sorry Mate." Bunny says to Cupid.

"Can I just get some sleep?" she asks them.

They nod and walk out of the room.

She lays down on the couch and pulls the blanket over her face.

I smile and start to walk out.

"Don't leave me." I hear Cupid say.

I turn around and walk back.

"I hate being alone." she says.

I nod and sit in a chair next to the bed.

Soon we both fall asleep.

❄️❄️❄️❄️ (There was a dream scene here but it deleted apparently?)

"Collin, it's over, you broke it off and I like some one else! Good bye!" Mary yells at Collin, the boy, and runs towards the park.

I look towards where Cupid was but see she is already near the park.

I head there too.

"You don't understand Cupid!" I hear Mary yell at her.

I land next to Daniel, who's eyes are red from crying.

"Jack?" he says.

"What's wrong?" I ask even though I know the answer.

"I saw Mary with Collin, and he told her he loves her. How could I think she liked me?" Daniel says.

"That's not what happened." Mary says coming up behind us.

"Then what did?" Daniel asks, not looking at her.

"I was headed to the store and Collin stopped me. He wanted us to get back together and told me he loved me. But I told him no because I like some one else. I like you Danny." Mary says.

Daniel instantly lights up and hugs her.

"Happy Valentines Day." she says and hands him a box of candy hearts.

"Happy Valentines Day." Daniel says.

"Let's get started on spreading love." Cupid says.

She grabs Mary's hand and flies into the air.

I do the same with Danny.

"Where to first?" I ask her.

"A little town called Burgess." she says.

I smile remembering that that's where Jamie lives.

Then we start flying.

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