Chapter 6

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Jack's POV

I fly up to the roof and stand to the right of Cupid, though she hasn't seen me.

I see Twilight make a black ball and hold it in her hand.

She is about to throw it at Cupid when she sees me.

She smirks and throw the ball at me, but Cupid pushes me out of the way and gets hit instead.

I gasp and stand up.

"What did you do to her?!" I yell at Twilight.

I raise my staff, ready to fight.

"Who? Cupid? Oh, she's just evil now." Twilight laughs.

Then she disappears.

I run over the Cupid and kneel next to her.

"Cupid. Cupid!" I yell while shaking her.

I see her hair turn black and her dress does the same.

She opens her eyes and instead of them being a cheerful red, they are blood red.

"Jack Frost." she says, though the voice isn't hers.

"Cupid?" I ask.

"She's not Cupid Hearts any more." Twilight says. "Meet Katie Hate." (For those asking about the name... I was 13 so idek)

I look at Cupid and she glares at me.

"Cupid. I know you're still there." I say.

"Cupid is gone." Kaite/Cupid says.

"No, no she's not." I say.

"Jack? What happened to Cupid?" I hear Mary ask.

I turn around and see her and Danny behind me.

"Mary, Danny come here." I tell them.

They walk over and kneel next to me.

"What are you doing?" Twilight asks.

"I'm not letting you take Cupid." I say.

I turn back to Mary and Danny.

"Now, I have a plan, but it might not work." I tell them.

"What is it?" Danny asks.

"She's the protector of love, you guys have to give her love by hugging her." I say.

They smile and nod.

I hear Twilight gasp as they hug her.

Suddenly Cupid's hair is red, her dress is white, and her eyes are cheerful.

She hugs Mary and Danny and smiles.

"I will be back." Twilight says.


After sitting on the roof for a few minutes, Cupid finally stops hugging Mary and Danny.

"It was like I was trapped in darkness." she says and shivers.

I fly Mary and Danny back into the house and grab Cupid's blanket.

When I come back on the roof she is shaking.

I hand her the blanket and she wraps herself in it.

"Thanks for saving me Jack." Cupid says.

"I told you, I will never let anything hurt you." I say.

She smiles and hugs me.

I hug her back and she leans her head on my chest.

Soon I notice she is asleep.

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