Chapter 9

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Cupid's POV

I am standing on a tree next to Twilight and I laugh.

"The look on their faces were priceless." I say.

"I love the evil Cupid." Twilight says.

"I'm Katie Hate. That soft lovey dovey person is gone. I have had my heartbroken twice by Frost and I will get revenge." I say to her.

She looks at me and smirks.

"Let's go to the Pole. I want to see fear on their faces." Twilight says.

"Let's." I say.

We fly off into the night.


When we get to the Pole I feel it get cold but I don't care.

We fly through a window and land in the globe room.

"Guardians! We are here for our revenge!" Twilight shouts.

All the guardians run in the globe room and pull out there weapons.

"I have waited for this moment for too long. And now, I will get it." Twilight says.

I look at the guardians and I see true fear in their eyes.

I look at Jack and see sadness.

"I have Jack Frost. Twilight you have the rest." I say.

She nods and makes a black sword.

I hold up my staff and walk towards Jack.

"Jack Frost. I will finally get the revenge I deserve." I say to him.

He just drops his staff.

"Go ahead. Do what you want." he says.

Tooth gasps.

"Jack! What are you doing?" North yells.

"You make this too easy." I say and slam him against the wall with wind.

"Get up and fight her Jack!" Bunny yells.

"No!" Jack yells at them.

"Cupid. Please. Come back." Jack pleads.

"Cupid is gone. You broke my heart too many times Jack. I couldn't handle the pain." I say.

"That's what I did?" he asks as he stands up.

"I'm not going to fight you Cupid. I won't hurt you." he says.

"You won't what?" I ask, my voice cracking.

No, nice can't get through.

"I won't hurt you." he repeats.

I fall to my knees and scream.

"What's happening?" Twilight asks.

"Her niceness is braking through." North says.

I scream again then black out.

Jack's POV

I look at the unconscious Cupid.

"Jack, we could use some help over here!" Tooth yells.

I walk over, pick up my staff, and freeze Twilight.

"We have to get Cupid some where warmer." Tooth says.

"What about the warren?" North says.

"That should work. Come on let's go!" Tooth yells.

I pick up Cupid and Bunny makes a tunnel, we all jump in.

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