My Best Friend

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Hiyah!! so like it's like....WHAT THE F IT'S 12:50 a.m.?!?!?!?!?!?!? oh..oh well... WELL IM NOT YET SLEEPY AND I'LL UPDATE A STORY!! probaly tomorrow night.. Thanks for reading and our votes, I know it's small and it's like my 2nd stoypry that honestly I think it's kinda great, AND IF YOU THINK IT'S GREAT SHARE THIS STORY AND THEN VOTE!!!!!!!!! thanks guys lov yah!!! TEEHEE!!!!


Hannah's POV:

I'm done showering then I chaged into my "it's more fun in the Philippines!!" shirt and paired it wit shorts. Saah was waoting for me "c'mon I've been hungry for TOO LONG!!!!!!" she said and went straight outside "ugghh.,, sarah.." I said and giggled. I went out and locked the door.

I grabbed some chocolate cereal with milk and went to the guys table and sat beside Harry and Louis "on a diet?" Harry asked "no.........." I said and ate my cereal. "ok, were all ready for the interview, and after let's brush and go!" Liam said then continued eating. "mmmhhh!!! mmh!!!" Niall said "what was that?!" I asked Sarah giggled "it was just Niall saying..." Sarah said and looked at Niall "*swallowed his food* saying it's already 8:45." All of stared at Niall then our watches and phones.We were all shoked stopped eating and ran back to the rooms "*whistle* Stop! bawal poh tumakbo.." th gaurd said and Sarah and I stopped the boys, they were confused "what?" Louis asked "it's not allowd to run." I said and everyone stared at each other and started to walk a bit fast and went directly to the rooms.

----------------------------------------------3 mins later------------------------------------------------------

We all went directly to the car, "uncle were late!!" I said and uncle started to drive quick. "were here!!" uncle said "say what?!" Liam said "well that's why they put you in that hotel cause it's near the stadium that your singing in, and near the studio.Now c'mon chop-chop!!" uncle said and we all hurried inside "stop! who are you?" the gaurd asked "One Direction, here for the interview.." Liam said, the gajrd smiled and let us all inside to the makeup room.

All make up artist started makeuping the boys, without no single word. We all laughed because of there faces. We watched t.v."We'll be right back!! Next up will be One Direction!!" the host said and girls screaming. "done!" all the makeup artist were done and lead us to he chairs beside the host, and they have us a sit in the audiences.

"Hello were back with One Direction,'give it up to Oe Direction!!" the host said and the boys started waving at :-) the boys.

Louis: Hello

Liam: Hi!

Zayn: hello

Harry and Niall: Hello!!

Host: so the said, your having a concert in 3 days?" all the girls screamed on top of there lungs.

Niall: um, yes and were happy to be here in Manila. Woth our two wonderfull fans.

Host: I heard you have girlfriends, and would they be mad if you are staying with these fans?.

All of them laughed.

Harry: um, acctualy *sratching his nose* these fans are our girlfriends..." All the fans screaming

Niall: named Sarah, she's mine, and Hannah, that's Harry's..

Host: ohh so were are your girlfriends?

Zayn: there there on the corner.." all fans started looking and the cam was on us

Sarah: um.. Hiyah guys!!!" she said proudly

Me: Hello!!" While we were waving. All the girls screaming.

Host: So girls how did the boys asked you?

Me: um... Harry just, you know asked me...

Sarah: yeah..

Host: ok, were did hey propose?

Sarah: in a plane while eating, it was awesome.

Host: don't mean to bother but, isn't that you'll just be here, you know April-May?..

Me: ughh, I wish it'll never happend..

Host: ok thank you girls.. Can we have questions from the audiences? You, um, Kirsten. Iv'e heard you have been following these boys everywhere in Manila.

Kirsten:um well yes. And My question is, when you first saw Hannah and Sarah, Harry Niall how did you feel?

All the girls screaming very loud.

Niall: well, um when I first saw Sarah I thought, "wow she's wonderful!!"

Harry: well when I first saw Hannah she was like and angel tnat had fallen from the heavens.

Host: *gigling* ok another question from the, friend of Kirsten, Kathleen.

Kathleen: thank you and my question is, who do you love most, your girlfriend or your parents?

Louis: um...Probaly, sorry mum and dad! Eleanor..

Zayn: my parents, sorry. Perrie!

Harry: um.......I don't know....

Liam: both.. :D

Nial: yeah both

Host: Harry?..

Harry: um..........Both?.. yeah.

----------------------------------------------15 minutes later-------------------------------------- ( I made all those answers up, so... and I didn'tinclude the whole interview, more it's like a morning show..)

Host: Can we take a picture?

Harry: yeah.

Louis: yeah.

Liam: yup!


Girls screaming!!

1st Girl: HARRY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

2nd Girl: NIALL!!!!!!

3rd: ZAYN!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!

4th & 5th: LOUIS!! LIAM!!!!! wwohhoo!

All the guys waving. We all followed them back to the car. "that was fun." Niall said and directly laid down on Sarah's lap. "fun..."Zayn said and fell asleep on Liam's shoulder. "no need to bother but, yoy know you have to practice." Uncle said "uncle your acting like paul..." I said "Well Mr. Higgins is busy so I'll be the one taking care.." uncle said.We all stared at each giving the "WTH!" face."were here." uncle said and parked at the back of the arena, we all went down.


Hiyah guys! thanks. We went island hopping in Britania Islands, this Bristania is in Phillipines, in Mindano, you must visit you'll vist 4 island and there all white, not purly but limestone kind of white, kind yellowish brownish.I updated it just for you, hope you liked it and there will be more tomorrow..





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