chapter 13

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I woke up in the morning hearing a female voice. But i cant be angry i knew he was gonna do this shit so i just woke the kids up and got them dressed also myself. We went downstairs all dressed alike in pink spandex type shorts and white t-shirts and our pink and white socks

"Chris baby who is she" the female asked. Im tryna see why everytime a bitch cone they always worrying about me.

"My babymama" he said.

"Oh okay but lets go up too your room" she said. Smart hoe she didnt say shit about me she just mind her own business.

I made us cereal and we all sat down watching sponge bob when I recieved a call

"Wassup ma" some one said in the phone.

"Hey who am i speaking too" i said

"Deandre from chuck-e-cheese" he said making me remember ole dude.

"Oh hey wassup" i said

"Nothing just wondering if you wanna hang out today or something.

"Sure" i said

"Okay just give me your address ill be there in 10 minutes" i said okay and hung up then texted him my address then i went up to chris room knocking on the door. He came too the door butt naked not caring. Honestly he made me horny right then and there.

"Wassup" he said

"Im about to head out the girls are downstairs" i said.

"Where you going" he asked

"To get fresh air." i went downstairs.

"Girls mommy is about to head out okay.

"Nwo mwommy ywou nwo weave" jewel whined

"Jew-jew lets watch tv mama coming back." tyla said sadly

"Otay" she said and gave me a kiss. I went too tyla and gave her a kiss.

Then i heard a horn honk. Damn i didnt know he was gonna really come that fast i didnt even get to change i put on my jordans and left out of the house. Deandre got out of the car looking hella fine.

"Hey ma you look beautiful" he said hugging me and opening the door

"You look good too" i said.

"So time for our chill day" he said.

"Yeah lets just chill at your house" i said.

We pulled up to this huge house. I wonder what he do for a living.
I took off my shoes and he started giving me a tour around his house. After we were done with the tour he ordered us some pizza watching t.v.

"Lets play 21 questions" he said i agreed" whats your whole name.?" he asked

"Hazel marie love. How old are you?"

"24. How old are you?" be asked

"19. Whats your whole name"

"Deandre Xavier king. How many kids do you have"

"2 one is mine but my ex boyfriend daughter is like my daughter." i said

"Oh well i hope you have plans in the future to have more"he said smirking

"Boy you're silly" i said.

"For real but lets watch this movie" he said

He laid on the couch and layed me on top of him. I like this position. Watching the movie i fell asleep on his chest.

*45 minutes later*

'take a bow cause you've taken everything else you played the part and like a star you played it so well '~ take a bow leona lewis

"Hello" i answered the phone half way sleep.

"Hi this is memorial hospital. Is this Ms. Hazel Love" they asked making me sit up

"Yes this is she" i said confused to why they were calling me

"Are you the mother of tyla brown and jewel brown" she asked

"Yes why" i said panicking making dre wake up mouthing too me 'whats wrong'

"Well i assume they were playing outside and a neighbor said she saw a ball rolling in the street and ass soon as they chased the ball they were hit by an car" after she said that i hung up.

"Deandre take me too memorial hospital please" i told him crying and he popped up and we got into the car and made it at the hospital in 5 minutes.

I ran up too the old lady.

"Can i have the rooms for tyla brown and jewel brown." i told her in a rush she looked it up in the computer.

"Second floor rooms 315 & 316" she said we caught the elevator.

"Dre you can go home im sorry too bring you in all this" i said crying then the elevator opened.

"No im here for you ma" he said and for the first time in my life i feel cared for. I seen chris sitting down with his head in his hands.

"Chris why didnt you watch them" i screamed

"She's gone" he cried and apart of me fell apart.

"Who's gone" i said my voice bow cracking

"Jew shes gone forever, my baby girl is gone" he said hurt. I screamed and cried. Why did i leave she wanted me too stay but i didnt. Why my baby.

"Family of tyla brown" the doctor said.

"She is alive but has a broken arm yall can go see her" he said but i was in dre arms screaming i cant believe my baby gone.....

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