Part Two: Lily

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Chapter Three

"Today was good." I say at dinner, Friday was this time but she didn't say anything. Mum tried to make conversation with her but she just grunted. When she was done she took her dishes to the sink and then ran upstairs. "I think she is just tired," I say when mum get's up to go and check on Friday. Mum looks at me as she walks over to the dishwasher. I give her my dishes and while she stacks the dishwasher I go and get changed into my pyjamas, brush my teeth and go to bed.

During school the next day I was left out because we had a new girl in our class. Hannah who I didn't really like by the end of the day, she always went with Rebecca and when we had groups she left me out purposefully. So that meant I had to go with Sammy who is like a handbag. Hannah was calling Rebecca 'Becca' which I new she did not like, but she did not have the courage to tell Hannah. When I told Hannah that Rebecca didn't like being called 'Becca' she asked Rebecca and she agreed with Hannah, so I looked like an idiot.

The rest of the day went pretty fast until after school when Rebecca and I walked home together. All Rebecca talked about was how cool Hannah was. I was really sick of it so I made up an excuse. "Mum wanted me to get some milk from the shop," I lied. "Cool, I'll come with you," Rebecca insisted. This was bad, I needed to get Rebecca off my back. "Mum says I should go to the milk bar on Second Avenue because she likes that milk, and don't you have netball practise?" I ask. In the end I get rid of Rebecca because she doesn't want to miss netball.

I turn to Third Avenue and start to run towards the park. When I reach the park I sit on the bottom of the slide and start to cry. Rebecca was no longer my friend. The no friend loser was sitting on a slide crying, me.

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