Part 2: Lily

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Chapter Eight

When I came out of the toilets I looked out into the yard. It was empty. The monkey bars were empty which was a surprise. And both the basketball and soccer courts were as empty a dead person's heart. I raced to my class room and when I opened the door I had everyone's eyes on me. I was late, very late. I glanced over to the clock near the window to find the big hand on the 9. 1:45, fifteen minuets late. I joined everyone on the mat and then we all continued learning. Only until everyone went to there tables was I was pulled aside. "Lily I hope you understand what consequences you will be getting," When Mrs K said this I couldn't make eye contact. "Yes," I answered. My heart had just been punctured. My trust with my teacher and newest friend had fallen down the drain. I walked over to my table to find Rebecca had moved. I scan the room and find her on a table with Sammy. From a perfect table with all of her friends to a non perfect table with boys and girls who she doesn't like and know just because we had a fight.

After school I ran ahead from my other friends to find Rebecca. In the end I found her turning the corner towards Third Avenue. "Rebecca!" I yell. Rebecca doesn't turn around instead she keeps on walking. "Rebecca please listen to me!" This time I touch her arm and she turns around. "What do you want?" She asks. "I wasn't to apologise," I say. "For everything, every little thing" By this time Rebecca keeps walking and I walk by her side. "The one time you had me alone without Hannah you say mean things about her." Rebecca says. "Can I do anything for is to be friends again?" I question. "No," Rebecca answers. "I really want to be friends with you if that means I have to be friends with Hannah as well then I'm willing to do that." I say. When I say this Rebecca stops walking and turns to face me. "But you said you hated her." Rebecca says. "I do but I don't want to ruin our friendship because you are a great friend and anyone who can't see that shouldn't be you friend at all." I say with courage.

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