Part One: Friday

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Chapter Six

"Congratulation!" Kate says excitedly. Firstly Kate is actually talking to me and secondly she is being nice. Kyle walks over to where I'm standing and hugs me, so I hug him back. "Hey Friday" Kyle says in a friendly voice. "Do you want to go to the movies on Saturday night?" He asks. "I'll have to ask my mum," I answer. "Don't ask your mum, just say your busy if she asks you." Kyle suggests. "Ok," I say. "Kyle must have been the boy who sent the note" I think. I feel like I'm actually popular. I've got friends! Adam walks over to my locker where Kyle and I are standing. Adam is the rugby captain and he is in year 10. "Hey guys, I'm having a party at mine on Friday night, do you want to come Friday. Unless you are busy of course?" Adam questions. I want to go but, "Is Kyle invited?" I over at Kyle. "Yeah, I already asked him," Adam answers. "I'm in!" I answer.

As Kyle and I walk to history I realised I haven't studied. When I turn over the test papers all the answers come to me. I look over to Kyle who is sitting next to me and he looks back to me with his friendly smile. When the test finishes everyone rushes out of the room for lunch. I sit with Kyle's friends and my new ones for lunch. We chat about Adam's party and what we did on the weekend. I tell everyone on our table about Claire and how much I didn't like her. Kyle and I finish a before everyone else on our table so we go for a walk to our lockers. As we are walking we don't talk until Kyle mutters "I love you Friday," "I love you too," I answer. We look at each other for a long time until we reach his locker.

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