8. Yours Forever

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(Authors Note: When I first added Shane Dawson I didn't know he was a real person. I created him ad a character from my head. Weird coincidence that he happened to be real. So THIS Shane in my fanfiction has nothing to do with the real Shane Dawson.)

Dan's POV

Phil charged into the room, grabbing Shane's arm and twisting it. Shane yelped and jumped up.

" Dan, hurry, let's go." Phil says, taking hold of my hand.

I nod quickly, pulling my shirt over my head and rush out the door with Phil. Phil was eerily quiet the whole way home until we got into the elevator.

" Why were you alone with him? "

I shrugged, " Who knew he was going to jump me. I thought he was being sympathetic when he invited me over. I mean, you did break up with me."

Phil looked at me in a confused way, "Break up with you? I did not."

" Well, sure seemed that way! You told me to get out. I assumed-"

" Dan you idiot, I wasn't breaking up with you! I was just confused and mad. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't of rescued you." Phil replied loudly

I got out of the elevator as it reached our floor, " Phil, I don't want this to be the end of us."

Phil opened the door, " Neither do I Dan. I love you."

I bit my lip as the door closed, I love him too.

" I love you too Phil. So why did this happen?" I asked

" You got jealous. You thought I cheated on you because Shane manipulated you into thinking so." Phil responded

" Yeah... I won't argue there. I should've known better... I'm sorry. "

Phil smiled and wrapped his arms around me, " I love you too Dan. You're my everything. Some day, I want us to get married and let all of our phans know about it."

I buried my face into Phil's shoulder, " I want the same too."

Phil pulled back and kisses me passionately, " Then, it'll happen. I promise I'll propose to you in the most magnificent way!"

I raised an eyebrow, " Not unless I propose first!"

" Oh it's so on Dan."

I laughed, " Well I know one thing that's getting on." I winked and pulled him back into the kiss.

In the end, Phil and I got our happily ever after. Who knew this would happen huh? Who knew I'd fall in love with my best friend and would one day marry him after many complications. Maybe you phans did, but I know I sure didn't.

( Thanks for reading. I know it took me like, two years to post the last brief chapter. But this is the conclusion to my Dan and Phil fanfiction. Love you all, make sure to read my boyxboy one-shots and complete book: Darkest Secret! )

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