6. Unraveling

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Dan's POV

It's been a week since our date. Two days after Phil suddenly stopped talking to me. I can't figure out why. He's barely home anymore. When I try to talk to him it's like talking to air. No response. Not even an action. What did I do wrong? I can't figure that out either... I've retraced my memories from the past week but I can't remember. We used to be so close, but suddenly, this happens. But what is 'this'? I feel like we've become miles a part from each other. This morning I was sitting at the kitchen island drinking my coffee, I tried talking to Phil but I got nothing but silence. I reached out to him and my fingers brushed his shirt, then, he walked away without even glancing at me.

    I feel so alone without him... Tears begin to well up in my eyes but I quickly blink them away. I couldn't let him see me this way. He's started to sleep in his room again instead of with me. I want to ask him if he loves me, but I doubt he would answer me, and if he did, I'd probably get the answer opposite of want I'd want to hear. I hear the door open and Phil walks in. I don't bother to ask him where he was. What's the point? I just sit there reading the twits from my twitter followers. I keep glancing up but he has his back to me at the kitchen island. I chew is sweater in when he bursts into the living room.

   " Dan! I thought I asked you if you could do the laundry while I was out!" He shouts

   I jump in shock at him raising his voice. I push the laptop off my lap. " You never asked me-" I say

  " I don't think I need to ask you! It should just be done!"

  I stand up and look at him. " So why can't you do it then!? And why are you never home!? Where are you always going off too!?" I demand

   Phil narrows his eyes at me, " It's none of your business! Just help out around here for once!"

    " I do! More than you think!" I take a step back and look at him calmly, " What's gotten into you Phil...? Why are you like this all of the sudden...?" I ask him

   He doesn't answer me. " Just get the laundry done for once Dan." Phil mutters

      I clench my hands. " Stop treating me like a kid Phil!"

  Phil whips around and glares at me, " Then stop acting like one!"

   My breath hitches and I look away. When I look back at Phil he's still glaring and doesn't seem sorry at all. I grab my sweater, pushing Phil out of the way I run out the building. I shrug on my sweater and walk down the pavement.  I stand in the line at a coffee shop and give a fake smile to the cashier and leave. Snow began to fall lightly. I continued to walk until I reached a park. The ground was covered in fresh white snow. I wish I had brought a better jacket instead of this thin hoodie... I think back to my memories with Phil. I remember our Phil is not on Fire videos. Our cat whiskers fetish. How he'd tackle me... Fall into my lap laughing... Was all of this really going to end? Was this the end of our relationship?

   I kick up a pile of leaves that hadn't yet been covered by the snow.  The trees were bare with only a few struggling leaves hugging to the tree. I sit on a park bench holding my coffee cup in my hands, trying to warm up. This time, I do feel hot tears slowly trickling down my cheeks. Why was Phil doing this?

Phil POV

Why was I doing this? I'm pushing Dan away, but why? I think I'm scared I'll fall for him so much I wouldn't want him around other people. I wish I could just lock him in the apartment and keep him all to myself and never let anyone else look at him. But I didn't know why I was being rude to him. He tried talking to me this morning but I ignored him completely. Maybe not seeing each other over Christmas will be a good thing. Get some separation. He'll be going to see his family and I will be staying here this Christmas. My parents are away on vacation.

   When I get home I notice the laundry hadn't been done. Didn't I ask Dan to do the laundry while I was gone? I enter then living room and for some reason I just feel some pent up anger.

   "  Dan! I thought I asked you if you could do the laundry while I was out!" I shout

   Dan looks up in shock. He pushes the laptop off his lap. " You never asked me-" He begin but I cut him off.  

  " I don't think I need to ask you! It should just be done!"

  Dan gets up and just looks at me confused. " So why can't you do it then!? And why are you never home!? Where are you always going off too!?" He asks  

  I narrows my eyes at him, " It's not your business! Just help out around here!"

    " I do! More than you think!" He takes a step back and looks at me, " What's gotten into you Phil...? Why are you like this all of the sudden...?" He asks

  I doesn't answer me. " Just get the laundry done for once Dan." I mutters

      Dan clenches his hands. " Stop treating me like a kid Phil!"

  I whips around and look at him with dagger eyes. " Then stop acting like one!"

   Dan immediately shuts up and just stares at me. I continue to just glare at him until he's grabbing his sweater and running out the door. The door slams shut and I come to my sense. I quickly turn to the door. " Dan!" I say, but he's already gone.


Dan's POV

  I wipe the tears away quickly. When I look up I see a couple sitting together on the edge of the fountain. All around me I saw happy couples. I dig my fingers into the coffee cup. I didn't know what to do. How was I supposed to fix something if I didn't know how too? I wish Phil would just talk to me... I wish-

   " Hey, what's wrong?" I hear a voice ask

   I look up and see someone I don't recognize. " Oh hey! Your Dan Howell right?" He asks me and I nod.

  " Are you a fan?" I ask quietly, not really caring.

  " No, not really. I just know who you are because I'm an old friend of Phil Lester." He tells me

 I snap my head up and look at him. " Names Shane Dawson." He says, " So, why are you out here in the freezing cold with just a hoodie?" Shane asks me

  I sigh and look down at my freezing hands. " Got in a fight with Phil. Nothing concerning you." I mumble, why should I tell a stranger this? Him knowing Phil doesn't mean I need to talk to him about my problems. " I don't even know what we're fighting about..."

   He sits next to me. He has blonde hair and grey-blue eyes. Plain looking but not bad looking either. He smiled a little.

   " What do you mean?" He asks

   Why did he care? " Phil isn't home anymore. He's always out then he never tells me where he's been..." I trail off, " Why am I even telling you this?"

   Shane smiles again, but this time it's different, more, evil looking? " I know where Phil has been." He says

   I sit up straighter, " Seriously!? Please tell me!" I beg

   " Okay okay, calm down." He says with a laugh and I shrink back down.

  Shane looks right into my eyes. " Phil is cheating on you Daniel."

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