1. One Party, One Game, One Kiss

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Phil's POV:

I stand there holding a half empty glass in my hand. I watched everyone dance and drink themselves sick. I felt a little stupid just standing there like a loner, the only one not getting completely drunk. I swished the drink around in the glass and gulped back the last of it. I set the glass down on the side table as Dan walks over to me.

    " Hey Phil, here." He says, handing me a shot glass.

 I shake my head. " I'm good." But he doesn't accept no, so I just take it and we down them together. Dan makes a face at the bitter drink,  sticking his tongue out like a kitten.

   I smile and we both laugh. Dan pulls his phone from his back pocket and looks at it. " Jack said to come to the kitchen." Dan says, looking up at me.

Daniel's POV:

  We push the kitchen door open and see our friends sitting on the floor laughing. In front of them was a green bottle. Chris & Jack we on their hands and knees in the middle of the circle. Everyone around them chanting: " KISS!" Over and over until they did.

   Jack spins the bottle and it lands on me. He crawls over to me and we awkwardly look at each other. Ugh, why him? I think. He smiles.

    " C'mon Daniel, don't be shy." Jack says and grabs my face, pecking my on the lips.

     I pretend to gag and we all laugh as I sit down. I spin the bottle and it stops at PJ. He runs his hand through his hair and we all laugh again. PJ walks over to me and kisses me quickly, then returns to his seat. It's his turn to spin the bottle now. It spins a few times and lands on Phil, he puts his hands up.

   " I-I was only watching! I-I'm not playing!" He protests but no one listens, they spin the bottle for him.

   " DANIEL!!!" They all shout with laughter

  I jolt and shake my head. I can feel the alcohol going to my head. I felt a dizzy. " We were just about to leave." I say but they refuse to listen to either of us. All they chant is: " KISS KISS KISS!!!"

   I look to Phil and he shrugs. " It's like a bunch of crazed fan girls huh?" Phil says to me as I walk over to the kitchen counter which he is leaning against.

   I laugh. " Get it? PHAN girls?" Phil smiles.

   We look at each other then, and snicker like we were before. But at least it's not really awkward like it was with Jack when he kissed me. Phil and I look at each other. Simultaneously we lean in and softly press our lips together. I stay there feeling surprisingly not repulsed unlike earlier, and wait for Phil to pull away.

Phil's POV:

My lips press softly against Dan's and a don't hate it. I hate to admit it, but I didn't like this still, unmoving kiss. The alcohol rushes my head, if Dan disagrees with what I am about to do, I can fib and say its the alcohol. I move my hand to the back of his neck, at this movement I can feel Dan's arm slide up onto my arm to my shoulder. He closes his eyes and so do I.

Dan's POV:

We stand their with out lips pressed together, my hand on his shoulder and his hand on the back of my neck. I slightly part my lips and his lips fill the space. I feel shivers sent up my spine when he does this. I do it again and like before he fills the space. He tilts my head back and puts more pressure into the kiss. It doesn't feel wrong at all. More like I WANT to kiss Phil... I clear my mind of the terrible thought. What was Phil thinking? We were standing in front of our friends we have both know for a long time, kissing. Was he embarrassed? Ashamed? But if he was, then why did continue to kiss me like this?

Phil's POV:

   Soon someone clears their throat and both Phil and I jump away from each other. I look at Dan and his cheeks are flushed. I look at our friends and we both smile with a small laugh. " Try beat that!" I say, trying to make it look planned and unreal. Everyone stares at is for a few seconds then turns back to the game, already forgetting what happened. Dan and I glance at each other then we walk through the door into the hallway.

   " Well we definitely killed any competition!" Dan says and we both laugh, not knowing how serious he was being or how serious I was being.

   We walk down the hall way when Dan's bangs fall in front of his eyes. I smile and brush them away with the back of my hand. A part of me is just standing there with my best friend after too much to drink, and another part of me is breathless with anticipation at being alone with someone I just kissed. " Maybe I need a haircut...." Dan begins to say and slowly I run my fingers though his hair. It's so odd to touch him and be touched by him like that. But I... didn't mind... " Phil...?" Dan asks in a small voice. I cup Dan's chin with my hands and pull his face to mine as I lean him into the wall. He doesn't resist, and we find our kiss exactly where we left it.

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