5. Kiss in the Rain

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Phil's POV:

I wake up just after ten the next morning. I remember Dan and I have a date today so I get up, shower, and get ready. I knock on Dan's door but he doesn't answer so I go to the kitchen.

   " How long have you been up?" I ask when I see Dan making breakfast.

   " An hour. I was to excited for our date." He replies, blushing.

  I smile and walk over to him, giving him and hug. " Once we finish eating breakfast we'll go." I tell him

  " Okay." Dan replies, smiling.


We leave just after noon and take the camera with us to take videos and pictures for our first date. " Where do you want to go first?" I ask him

  Dan looks at me. " Um... I-I thought you had it planned." He replies

  I laugh. " Okay then, want to go see movie?"

  Dan nods in agreement. We buy our tickets and sit in the top row in the corner. Once the movie begins Dan snuggles down in my side. It was dark, so no one could see who we were. I put my arm around his waist and place my hand on his leg. It was a horror movie but Dan didn't even flinch a muscle. As for me, I was jumping at every surprise and murder. Dan laughed at me and held my hand like I was a child. When the movie was finally over we went to the coffee shop.

  " That movie was awesome!" Dan exclaims, swinging his legs over the chair arm like it was his own place.

  " Uh yeah, great movie." I reply

  He laughs. " Oh please, you were jumping like a scared rabbit!"

  He stick me tongue out at him and look at my coffee. Dan smiles at me. " I'm glad we're doing this." He says.

  I blush. " So, I was thinking we could go to the zoo next."

  " The zoo? Llamas!" He says excitedly and we both laugh.

There were llamas at the zoo. It was amazing. We got to see all kinds of animals. I took his picture with the llamas and other animals, we took short videos, and more pictures. We ran into quite a few fans there but none of them mentioned the kiss. Maybe that was all over with? We took countless photos with girls who knew us and some who just thought we were hot. We even got some guys approach us who were fans. That's always the best to know even

guys watch our videos. This is one of the best days ever.

Dan's POV:

I was having fun at the zoo. We saw lions, monkeys, llamas, and fish of the sorts. We sit on the bench under a tree, eating ice cream. We both had chocolate. The mini park here is just a few trees and a space of grass. No one was around, they were all to busy looking at the animals to enjoy the mini park. I felt some ice cream drip on the side of my mouth, I go to wipe it away but Phil stops me. He reaches over and pulls me close to him, licking the side of my mouth. When he looks at me and smiles wickedly.

  " Ice cream with Dan as a topping. My favorite." He says and I blush like mad

It was beginning to get dark out and we went on the Ferris wheel. It was one of the cart ones where your in a box thingie. We sit down on the seats facing each other. The wheel begins to move and stops for awhile when we reach the top. You could see the lights of the city.

  " It's amazing." I whisper, never have being on this kind of Ferris wheel before.

  " Yeah, the view is perfect." Phil replies, staring not out the window, but at me.

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