2. Good Morning Rain Cloud

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Dan's POV:

When I woke up I was in my room. I just lay there for a moment, trying to remember how I got here. I closed my eyes and flashes from the previous night run through. The kiss with Phil enters my head, remembering every bit of it. I can still feel his lips against mine and his hand on the back of my neck. I shake my head and sit up a little to quickly. It feels like someone just hit my head with a rock. I swing my legs over the bed and get up and make my way to the living room. When I walked by Phil's room he wasn't there. Where was he? I peered into the living room and there he was, passed out on the couch. I just stood there, for some reason I couldn't pull my gaze away. Phil begins to stir and his eyes slowly flutter open, but still I can't look away. What do I say? How do I act?

Phil's POV:

I wake up from shuffling noises. Dan is standing in the door way staring at me. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he's nervous... Scared even... He isn't saying anything so I know it's up to me to say the first word. " Hey..." I say but suddenly I feel sick in my stomach. I jump up from the couch, pushing Dan to the side. He makes a small noise when I push him. I shove the bathroom door open and hurl into the toilet bowl. I wretch for about two minutes then lift my head. Dan is just standing at the door way with an odd look on his face. He looked concerned and then extends his arm, holding a glass of water. I thank him quietly and gulp it back. He walks over and flushed the toilet. We both just look at each other for a while before laughing and all awkwardness is behind us. 

Dan's POV:

What was I thinking? He's my best friend, I shouldn't act embarrassed around him!! He doesn't judge me so why should I make a new him in my head? He's my best friend so this is how it should be. Us laughing after a wild party.

Phil's POV:

Dan doubles over laughing and slides down the wall to the floor. He looks up at my and flips his bangs out of his face.

  " Your an idiot Phil, you know your light weight!" Dan smiles at me clearly just joking around

  " I wasn't going to drink that much until you forced me!"

  Dan's cheeks flush. " Gosh Phil, you make it sound like I was trying to get you drunk for some selfish.. reason..." He trails off as what he just said embarrasses us both.

  I knew we had to talk about this so I started. " Well, spin the bottle definitely had it in for us." I laugh

    " That damn spinning bottle." Dan says smiling

   We still had to talk about the kiss. Make it less awkward. Like usual it was up to me. I stood up but Dan remained sitting. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing the fowl smell from my mouth. I look at Dan while brushing my teeth when he finally speaks up.

   " I-I don't regret it... The kiss... It was a little odd... But I don't regret it... It wasn't awful... In fact I-I..." He trails of, looking at the floor.

   I spat the toothpaste out and rinsed. I turned around quickly and he stood up immediately. He looked the same to me, but in a new light. Like something inside me changed over night. My eyes explored his face, his chocolate brown eyes, his dimples, his soft lips...

  " In fact what...?" I say with a small voice.

   His eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips. I sucked in my breath and grabbed his face in my hands, pressing my lips into his. Dan's lips were already parted so I invited myself to fill the space. We stood still like this for awhile. Dan's mouth grew warmer and softer. More familiar. Our mouths fit perfectly together. He suddenly wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling himself into me. His frame fit into me, as he moved his body into me the kissing grew rougher, more needy. I pulled on his lower lip and he made a small whimpering noise. He pulled his head back and gasped for air.

  " In fact it was pretty awesome." Dan says with a smile before crushing his lips back into mine.

Dan's POV:

I held onto Phil tightly, not letting him go. Our heads turned with the kisses, his arms around my waist. We stay there for awhile, just kissing. Soon Phil pulls back and looks into my eyes. His cheeks blush a little when he says, " Dan, g-go out with me... I-I want to be with you..." I feel my face heat up at those words, I can't believe it. That party changed everything for the better. I always knew  there was something between Phil and I that was different from my other friendships. I nod wildly and hug him tightly.

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