4. Feeling Unwanted

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Dan's POV:

" What are we going to do Phil? We can't have them finding out!" I say as the comments explode on the truth or dare video.

   Phil just sits there then looks up at me. " W-What's the big deal if they find out?" He asks hesitantly

   I just look at him. " We might lose fans Phil. Not everyone ships us!"

   He nods. " But what can we do?"

  I sigh. I didn't know, Phil didn't know. I close the laptop lid and take Phil's hand, looking at him slowly. " Maybe this was a mis-"

   " NO! Don't even finish that sentence Daniel!" Phil yells as he stands up quickly, " This isn't a mistake, I love you, this is right. We're right..." Tears enter Phil's eyes and I stand up in front of him.

  " Please don't end it Dan... I can't live without you..." He says in almost a whisper.

   I bite my lip. Oh god Phil... " I would never. I love you too Phil." I tell him, taking him into my arms.

   It felt a little weird, taking someone older and slightly taller than me in my arms. But it was Phil, so I liked it. He wraps his arms around my waist and I look into his ocean blue eyes, trailing my finger tips down his cheek to his lips. I move my eyes from his to his lush lips. They were already slightly parted so I moved closer and kissed him softly. Phil held onto me tighter until our bodies pressed close together. My stomach was full of butterflies when I felt Phil's hands push my shirt of in the back.

Phil's POV:

My hands traveled up the back of Dan's shirt and I slowly entered my tongue in his mouth, making him flinch in surprise. The kiss gets more wild and more urgent. I push him down onto the couch and move my hands up the front of his shirt, pulling it up to his collar bone. Dan's face is flushed pink with embarrassment. I kiss him again, harder, stronger. I look at his eyes and snap out of it, realizing what I was doing. I sit up quickly and put my head in my hands when there's a knock on the door. We both freeze. I get up and look through the spy hole that lets you see who's there. I didn't recognize them. I open the door slightly and look out.

   " Um, Hi." I say

   " I knew it! This was Phil and Dan's apartment!" The girl squeals and her friend beams.

   Dammit. These are two of the crazy phangirls who want to find out the truth about Dan & I. I glance at Dan and he's biting his lip. U turn back to the girls and there just bobbing in place.

   " What can I do for you two?" I ask

  They both whip out notepads of paper. " We'd like to ask you a few questions." The taller one asks

  " About?" I reply, playing dumb

  " You and Dan, obviously. Y'know, your latest video." The brunette says

  I sigh. Closing the door a little so they can't look into the house. I look at them, " There's nothing to ask about. Nothing is going on. It was just a dare. That's it. Nothing more nothing less." I tell them

  " Then why did it cut off with you two still kissing?" The blonde questions

  " Because it was awkward. We acted all grossed out in the part we cut out. We didn't want to ruin it for you fans." I say, hoping they'll believe the story.

  The girls exchange glances. " T-Then how do you explain all the other times you've cut the video off when something Phan like was about to happen?" They both ask

  I heave a big sigh. " Look girls, there's nothing going on. We've told you all that before. Please just go."

  They both look unsatisfied but nod and turn to leave. I close the door and lock it, turning back to look at Dan who still just sat there staring at me. " Don't worry. We won't tell them." I tell him.

Dan's POV:

Phil lies to the girls and they leave. He tells me we won't tell them about us and I just nod slightly. I didn't really care at this moment. I was kinda focused on what was about to happen. Why did Phil push me away? Phil sits next to me and smiles at me.

   " Don't worry Dan, we won't let them find out about us until you want them to know." He says, giving me a hug.

  I grip his shirt and just sit there, mind swarming with thoughts about what almost happened.


That evening Phil went out for a while to get groceries for dinner. I stood in the kitchen, preparing some other small dishes waiting for him to come back. I wanted to ask him, but I was scared, embarrassed actually. I shook my head and continued to cut up the vegetables. I chewed on my lip and trying to get my brain to shut up. He doesn't want you. Your not worth his time. Why would he want you? He can do better. It's like someone has entered my head. I can't control it, the voice gets louder, more real.

   " Stop it..." I whisper but it doesn't stop, " Stop! STOP IT!!!" I yell, I hit the knife with my hand and it cuts my arm. Just at that moment I hear the door open and close as I grip my arm.

   " DAN!!" Phil yells

  I hear him drop the shopping bags and him running over to me. Tears stream down my face, half from the pain. I slink down to the floor, by back against the counter. Phil drops to his knees beside me with a towel and wraps it around my arm. " What happened?" He asks, worriedly

  I shake my head. " I-I just hit the knife with my hand... That's all..." I reply but he doesn't buy it

  More tears stream down my cheeks and Phil puts his hand on my arm and looks at me deeply so I tell him. " Before... When we were... Kissing... You pushed me away, w-why?" I ask him

   His hand tightens on my arm. " Dan..." He begins, but then I cut him off.

  " D-Do you not... Want me or something...?" I choke out

  " No, that's not it at all! I do, I really do want you Dan, I just don't want to just yet. I-I want something like that to happen at a special moment, not just on an ordinary day..." He looks away, " I know that seems cheesy..."

  I smile faintly. " It's not cheesy at all Phil. It's romantic, literally."

Phil's POV:

We both started to laugh. " Let's get a real bandage wrap on your arm now." I say as I help Dan up. He nods and we walk to the bathroom. I pull out the first aid kit and take a strip out and wrap his arm up with cotton patches under it.

  " The bleeding has gone down a bit." I tell him

  I kiss Dan on the forehead and we go back to the kitchen and I help with dinner. I could feel Dan's love for me in me. I smiled to myself, he was all upset just because I pushed him away? He's so adorable.

  " Dan, let's go on a date tomorrow. Nothing lovey-dovey though, not until the fans calm down that is." I ask him with a smile.

  " I'd love too." He replies, returning a smile.

  I was already excited for tomorrow. Dan and I out on a date. Our first date. I couldn't wait!!

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