3. Truth or Dare

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Dan's POV:

Phil walks into the kitchen and looks at me, smiling. " What are you doing?" He asks

  I grin. " Well, I think it's a good time to start using the C word. So, I thought we could do a video for our fans making Christmas cookies!" I reply, presenting all the needed items for the recipe. "Let's see if Phil Lester, is capable of... Cooking!!!"

  Phil laughs. " Challenge accepted. Let me get my camera."

   He sets the camera up and we slide into the view, Phil being a clutz, slips and nearly falls. " I almost fell again!" He complains with a smile

   " Today, we are making Christmas cookies! And... Which recipe are we following?" He asks, looking at me dramatically.

   " Delia Smith!"

  " I've never baked before..." Phil comments and I laugh

  We lay out the ingredients in front of the camera so our viewers can attempt this at home. We preheat the oven to 180'c.

   " But get an adult to help you if your eight."  I say and Phil stands up and looks at me.

   " Then where's our adult?" We both laugh. We'll edit that out later.

   Phil looks at the camera and puts the flour into the bowl, and some how he already has flour on his face. He starts to mix the flour, sugar, and butter together with a wooden spoon... This will fail. " I take the inspiration from Disney, how do you pass time? Sing a song!" I say

   What seems to be hours later, the mixing is finally done.

   " Once it looks like bread crumbs, crack an egg into the bowl." Phil says

  He picks up an egg and begins tossing it around in the air and nearly drops it. " F********!!!"

   " Don't worry! I didn't drop it!" He protests innocently

Phil's POV:

  I roll the dough into a ball when Dan comes up behind me and almost hits me with a rolling pin. " Dan!!!" I whine and he just laughs

   We add the colour to it and Dan begins hitting it with the rolling pin then rolls it out. We make different shapes with the dough and place them onto the greased pan. Once there in the oven Dan and I do a weird 'cooking' dance. I glance down and I notice I have flour all over my jeans. Dan notices to and I just turn away and brush it off. The oven dings and the cookies come out perfect. We get the decorating stuff and messily decorate them. Dan picks one of the cookies up and bites it.

   " It's good. They turned out awesome." He says

  I look at the camera, beginning to tell the viewers some other news when Dan shoves the half eaten cookie in my mouth. " Wow, that is good!" I reply, blushing just a little.

   I tell our viewers all about our radio show on BBC radio 1. We got a two hour show for Christmas day. Epicness!!! We wrap up the video and sit down in the living room with our Christmas cookies. We sit there, not talking, He's editing the video we just made and I'm looking at the comments from out fans. A lot of them were demanding a new truth or dare video. I look up at Dan.

   " We should make a truth or  dare video. Our fans demand it." suggested

   " Two videos in one day? Merry Christmas to our fans! Lets totally do that!" Dan agreed with mega enthusiasm.

   He pushed the cooking video away for later editing and we grab his camera. We set it up and jump onto the couch. " HEY GUYS!" I say "We're bring you another Truth or Dare video!"

Dan's POV:

   I get my phone and tell our twitter followers to send in some truth and dares. Within seconds we have over 50 truth and dares. " Okay, first one is for Phil: Sweet talk the wall." I reads aloud and we both laugh.

    Phil stands up and walks over to the wall. He says the classic, ' Hey baby, come here often?' After a minute of laughing at him flirting with the wall he sits down again and reads  out the next one.

   " Okay, next one. Random pick..." He says with his eyes closed and points at one and reads it out loud, " I dare you and Phil to kiss." Phil's voice trails off and we both become quiet. I glance over at Phil, blushing. It wasn't a big deal, only that the secret might get out that we're now officially together.

    Phil takes my hand and gives a small nod. We both leaned in and when our lips pressed together I didn't want it to end. I grab his arm and pull him closer to me. I pulled myself together and pulled away. Phil looks at me and smiles. " We can edit part of that out." He says and I nod, blushing like mad. We continue to do truths and dares that our fans sent it and twenty minutes later both of us are editing the two videos. He wanted to edit the cooking video instead so I ended up with the T & D vid. I cut out most of the kiss and left it to about six seconds. An hour or so later we though the editing was decent and posted both videos, getting views almost immediately after posting. I was a little nervous about the kiss part of the truth and dare video but I assumed the fans would be please, especially the Phans.

   " Hey Dan, maybe we shouldn't have posted the kiss part." Phil says

   " HUH? What? Why?" I ask, thinking I made a huge mistake.

   " Think about all those phan-attacks that will happen!" Phil replies, bursting out with laughter. I laugh too, mostly because I was glad he was only joking. Soon the comments begin to flow on the video and twitter.

   OMG! They KISSED!*fangirls*

  The kiss! Yesss!

 Totally freeeaking outttt!

  I can't believe it! I am sooo fangirling rite now!

 This was so adorable!

 We laughed at how everyone was freaking out. But then the one comment came in that changed everyone's reaction.

  Did you see how long they kissed for? 6 Seconds and then it cut off! There is something going on we don't know about. Every time something Phan-like happens it always cut it off. I think Dan & Phil are hiding something. It's not right, why wuld they hide something this big from us fans? I think we need to do some investigating.

All the comments from there on were in response to that comment. Everyone wanted to know the truth. They even said they were going to investigate the situation. All of the viewers that live in the same city as us even commented saying they would be the eyes and ears to this 'Under cover mission.' I look at Phil and he looks back at me. We knew they weren't joking around. Our fans never did when it came to Phan

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