7. Breaking Apart

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Dan's POV:

" Phil is cheating on you." The words rang through my ears like a high pitched alarm.

   I take a small step back and look at Shane, " Your lying. Phil wouldn't cheat on me! How can I trust you!? I don't even know you!" I yell

   The look in Shane's eyes was nothing but truth. I felt for the bench and sank down on it. I stare at the pavement. This couldn't be right... Why would Phil cheat on me? Shane takes a seat next to me and looks at me.

   " If it isn't true then explain this, why is he never home? And, explain this..." Shane pulls out his cell phone which has a picture of two people.

 My heart broke in two when I saw it was undoubtedly Phil with a girl. The girl had blonde hair that fell around his shoulders like a fountain. She was definitely beautiful. I grab the phone and just look at the picture, as if I could stare at it long enough it would prove to not be Phil. But it didn't happen.

   " You can trust me Dan. I'm not a bad person, I'm a friend." Shane says to me, setting his hand over mine.

   Tears brimmed my eyes and began to fall uncontrollably. I couldn't believe this! My heart ached so much! I never experienced this feeling before. Utter, horrid, heart break. We sat there for awhile before I wiped the tears away and went home. Home... I could barely say it anymore.

   When I unlocked the door all the lights were turned off. I assumed Phil was already in bed so I went into the living room but he was sleeping soundly on the couch. His sweater was on the floor and I found myself reaching for it. I pulled it into my arms. The scent of Phil... I sat on my knees and looked at him, tracing my fingers down his hand. To think these hands have held the hand of another who isn't me... I shook the thought and threw Phil's sweater in his face.

Phil's POV:

I awoke to my sweater being thrown into my face and a door slamming. Dan was clearly home. I got up and quietly walked to his bedroom door and silently opened it. He was laying in his bed, asleep already. I walked over to him and sat on the edge of his bed. I brushed his bangs away from his eyes and saw tear stains on his face. I immediately snapped my hand back and left his room. I was terrible. I've made him cry.

   When I get to my room my phone is buzzing. A text message. I flip the phone open to see an unexpected text from an old friend.

Shane Dawson

Subject: Dan

He's going to be mine.

 I gasped and stared at the words. ' He's going to be mine.' Shane knows Dan? How? When? What did Shane say to Dan? My mind swirled with thoughts of Dan being ripped away from me. It would never happen though, right? If I stop being so cold to Dan... Maybe things can reverse and we can go back to how things used to be. Yeah, that'll fix it. Tomorrow I can cook something nice for breakfast.

   The next morning I got up before Dan and made some pancakes for him. I guess my idea of trying to not get to attached to him isn't working. It's just turning in the opposite direction. I hear his bedroom door open and close and he enters the kitchen.

   " Morning Dan! I made breakfast!" I say cheerfully

  He looks at me, confused. " Why?" Is all he asks

  " Well, I know I was acting a little cold towards you and I apologize, so I was hoping we could forget that happened and-"

  " And what? Go back to normal? Like nothing ever happened? That is not going to happen Phil! I know what you've been doing and I am not going to forgive you so easily!" Dan says coldly, turning his back.

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