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Chapter 2 : FINDING HIM


So , Kris already know that I'm back again. Why Kris must want to find me ? Suho and Chen want me to stay at Sehun's house so , Kris will not find me any more. Now , we're already arrived at Sehun's house. Suho help me open car door for me , and he grab my hands gently. Chen help me to carry all my clothes bag. I step into Sehun's house and all furniture cover with white blanket and dust everywhere. Chen put my clothes bag at Sehun's master bed room , while Suho making a tea for me. I can feel his scent from here and I can feel his favorite perfume everywhere. Suho worry about me cause I haven't been eaten and also haven't sleep. "Jiyeon , tell me..did you still miss Sehun?" Suho ask me and I was nervous to answer it.


"Why ? Tell me the truth.."

"I don't know..but..he say to me that he want to marry me and he want me so badly.."

"I know...he had promise to you..."

I get up and I go through Sehun's bed room. I keep staring at Sehun's old picture with his family. And also , I saw one girl who look alike me. I take that picture and I look at the back of that picture. It write 'I always love you , Oh Sehun..' I know , he must miss her but , why he in love with me? I lay down , I take the pillow and hug.

Suho sneak out and he went in to Sehun's bed room. He sit beside me and he touch my hair with his manly hands. He take a deep breath and he smile. "Jiyeon... I know you still loves him and you miss him.." Suho knows that I'm already miss him. I can smell his scent from here. I get up with my hair a little bit messy. "I want to find you know where he is?" Suho shocked that my face getting change just like not enough blood in my body. Suho getting worried about me that maybe I'll become a vampire. "Ji...Jiyeon.. You need to rest now.." Suho helping me to get up but he put me down back. "I must find him !" I'm trying to get up but Suho push me slowly and he put me slowly at the bed. Suho was Really Really worried about me. He take a blanket and he covered me. Suho get up from my bed and he slowly closed the door. Suho went downstairs and he call Luhan and Tao to come over and take care of Jiyeon.

"Suho , where are you?"
"I'm at Sehun's house.. Jiyeon was here"
"So , how is she?"
"I don't know but her skin have changing.."
"Don't worry hyung , me and tao will come over and take care of her"
"Thanks Luhan.. Don't forget , stay away from Kris"
"Don't worry.. I'll protect her and also myself"

Suho and Chen pack their bags . Before they go , Suho went upstairs and he checking her that she is gonna be fine. Luhan and Tao already arrived at Sehun's house. Suho give Luhan a Key so they all safe. "Luhan , I'm warning you two. Don't ever go outside.Kris will find us" Luhan and Tao nod. Suho and Chen go into their car , Tao throw a letter to Chen. "What is this?" Chen was confused. "It's from Lay and Xiumin. They're at New York now." Lay and Xiumin to make sure that they're have their message. Chen keep it and he go into his car. Luhan went upstairs and he come into Sehun's bedroom. He sit beside me and he put his hands on my forehead with his comfortable hands. I can feel his hands. I get up and I smile at him. "I knew you come here.." Luhan smile with his beautiful eyes. "Me and Tao will take care of you.." Luhan smile again. I just wondering where is Baekhyun and V. "Luhan , where the other?" I asked. Luhan give me a letter from Baekhyun and also his youngest brother , V that they're now at London. "Baekhyun with his youngest brother , V they're now at London" I don't understand why they're at other place?

"Why they stay far away?"
"They to make sure that you and the other get the message"
"For what?"
"To make sure , Kris will never find you"

Tao saw someone is coming near to Sehun's house , he run into Sehun's bedroom and he push Luhan to the wall. "Luhan ! They're coming here!" Tao was scared that they gonna kill him. Luhan push Tao hands away. "Let me go speak to them. Tao , take her away for awhile" Luhan go to downstairs and he open the door. Tao carry me and he bring me to other place so that they will can't find me. Luhan smile and he pour some tea. "So , what do you want?" Luhan asked. The person take off the mask and also the hat on the table and smile. "I'm here to find a human that you bring it here" Luhan gulps and he keeping calm. "Sorry , I didn't bring a human at here , Donghae" Luhan smirk. Donghae let his dog to find my scent. After the dog smell my scent , they didn't reach it. Donghae get up , he take his mask and his hat on it. "Now , I have to go and I'll see you again.. Luhan" Luhan run to the door and he close quickly. Tao bring me down and he put me to the sofa slowly. "Luhan , what happen?" Tao asked. Luhan was worried that they will come here again to find me. "They want to find Jiyeon. So , we must hide her.." Luhan getting worried and getting crazy.

"Don't worry Luhan. I can control myself and I can fight with them."
"No ! You can't !"
"I will , Luhan..."
"Are you crazy , Jiyeon!? They are too dangerous!"
"I must kill them and I must find Sehun!"

**hey guys ! Okay since my wifi home having some trouble technical, so yeah I have to update from my phone. So if you guys like it please give me a STAR and please VOTE ! If my English grammar or spelling is wrong , just leave a comment and I'll gonna change it. Anyway , please SUPPORT me and love yaaaa!!!!**