Chapter 2 - Quidditch World Cup

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Isabelle's POV -
Today is the day. The Quidditch World Cup. And I'm on the Irish side. Blugarins can be good, but Irish is more better.
I got myself dressed up and Jessica came into my room.
Even though I'm not wearing green, I'm still rooting for Irish.

"Morning, Jess." I said.
"Morning, Belle. Ready for today?" she asked.
I nodded.

We both left my room.

Once we met everyone at the entrance. All the boys were ready.
"Let's go." said Dad.

We all nodded and apparated to the Cup. 

Hermione's POV
It was early in the morning and we all started to walk. I was walking with Ginny.

"Do you think we'll see Belle at the Cup?" she asked.
I sighed at that. "Who knows, Ginny."

"Ron. Where are we actually going?" Harry asked.
"I don't know. Hey Dad, where are we going?" Ron asked his Dad.

"You'll see. Now, keep up." said Mr. Weasley.

We kept on walking until we met up with someone.

"This is Amos Diggory everyone." said Mr. Weasley.

And a boy jumped down from the tree.

"And this drapping young man must be Cedric. Am I right?" Mr. Weasley said.

"Yes, sir." Cedric replied as he shook Mr. Weasley's hand.
Ginny and I glanced at each other.

"He looks handsome up close." I whispered.
Ginny giggled. "I heard he had a crush on Belle."
"Every boy does. Except for Harry and Ron." I whispered.
Isabelle's POV - At the Quidditch Cup
"Dad, where are we sitting?" I asked.
"With the Minister." he replied.

"That's odd. The Minister never invites us, sitting right next to him." said Aiden.

Spencer nodded.

"Dad, I'm going to look around." I said.
Dad nodded. "I'll come along."
I nodded and told the rest of them to go ahead and save our seats.
Harry's POV
"Dad! How high up are we?" Ron asked.
"Let's put it this way. If it rains. You will be the first to know." I heard the voice of Mr. Malfoy.
I looked down and saw him and Draco. Last year, he has been crazy without Belle around.

"Father and I are in the Minister Box. The Minister invites us to sit with him himself." Malfoy boasted.

"Don't boast, Draco." Mr. Malfoy smacked him

We were about to go until Mr. Malfoy stopped me.
"Do enjoy yourselves while you can." he said. He let me go and sent me a glare.

"That would be you, Lucius." That voice...sounds like Mr. Chan.
"Ah...Long time no see, Shang." said Lucius.
Mr. Chan smirked and looked up at us.

"You guys all right?" he asked.
I nodded. Then he turned to Lucius and his son.

"Does your son have to be a loud mouth? You're not the only one who's sitting in the Minister Box." said Mr. Chan.
"Oh really? Where's your daughter? I haven't seen her anywhere." said Lucius.

Belle? She's here? I thought. 

I looked at Hermione. She's probably thinking the same thing as I am.

Mr. Chan smirked at that.

"She's around." he said.

"Ah, I see." said Lucius. With that, he left.

Mr. Chan turned to us.

"Mr. Chan---" he cut me off.

"You'll see her soon."
I sighed and nodded. Mr. Chan left.
Isabelle's POV
Dad went somewhere that I don't know, so I decided to go to the others. And I found them easily.

"Where's you Dad?" asked Henry.
"Somewhere." I said, as I sat down next to Aiden.

"The games about to start." said Jess.

And it did.

"Is that Viktor Krum?" asked Marcus.

"Looks like it." Andrew replied.

"I heard he's the best Seeker in the world." said Vincent.

There's one seeker that came up into my mind. Harry.

"Good Evening. As Minister of Magic, it gives me a great pleasure to welcome each and ever one of you to the final 420 seconds of the Quidditch World Cup. Let the match Begin!" said Fudge.
After the match, The Irish has won the game.
We were about to go back home, until we heard yelling.

Dad turned around and his eyes widen. "Everyone! Apparate back home! Andrew, take Isabelle and the girls back. Aiden, come with me."

Aiden nodded and went with Dad.
I wanted to go to, but Andrew grabbed me.
"Andrew! Let me---" I got cut off.
"You can't go, Belle. your Dad says so. It's too dangerous." he said.
I sighed and went along with it.

I turned back and saw Harry passed out on the ground.
Andrew apparated us back home.
Aiden's POV
Uncle Shang and I were helping people around, until we bumped into a girl and a red head boy.
"Hermione. Ron, you guys alright?" he asked.

"Yes, we are, Mr. Chan." the girl replied.
"Aiden, take them to their portkey." he said to me.
I nodded and lead them there.

As we were running, we can hear explosions.
"Who are you?" asked the red head.
"Let's just say I'm Belle's cousin." I replied.

They stayed quiet for a while.
They went to their portkey and disappeared. I went back to find my Uncle and we head back home.

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