Chapter 32 - End Of The Year

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  Draco's POV - 2 days later
Today is the end of the year. Belle hasn't woke up yet. Josh and I stayed by her side. Her Dad come along with the clan last night.

It's been 2 days since Belle's been unconscious. And I haven't ate or get any sleep.

"Mr. Malfoy, Professor Dumbledore wants everyone in the Great Hall." Said Madam Pomfrey.

I didn't say anything but I still refused. "Mr. Malfoy, do as I say." She said. I sighed and nodded. Before I go, I gave a kiss on Belle's forehead. But I didn't go the Great Hall. I couldn't take it.

Instead of going to the Great Hall, I went to our favorite place. Where Belle and I hung out.

The Black Lake.
Harry's POV
"Today....we almost someone who we cherish most...Isabelle Chan." Said Dumbledore.

People held their tears. I'm starting to lose hope. Josh and the clan, they still have hope.

"Now, before you came into Hogwarts. Isabelle Chan was a very quiet, shy, and an honest girl. Everyone thought she was a boy. You got that wrong. Isabelle's a beautiful girl, inside and out. You see, she saved Cedric Diggory's life, by the killing curse. Then she led him into safety. Isabelle Chan was tortured! By Lord Voledmort! The ministry didn't wish me not to tell you this. But lets have hope that Isabelle will wake up again and see the smile on her face. To hear her beautiful voice." Said Dumbledore.

Hermione covered her mouth from sobbing. Ron held her shoulders, confronting her. I couldn't help it....I lost my best friend.

There was silence in the Great Hall until the doors opened.

We all turned around and it was Madam Pomfrey. She ran up to Dumbledore and grabbed his hand and started to dance around.

"What is is, Poppy?" Dumbledore asked.
She smiled "Its a miracle, Albus." she said and turned to the door. We all turned to her direction and waited.

We all heard shoes clicking and I saw someone wearing...white.
Isabelle's POV - Earlier
I was somewhere in a beautiful meadow. Just enjoying the view. I didn't realize that I was wearing a beautiful white dress.

"Isabelle." I heard my name called. I turned around and saw....

She smiled and walke up to me. She brought me into a hug and I hugged her tight.

"You need to wake up, honey." She said as she pulled back.
"But I wanted to stay with you, Mom." I said.

Mom smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear. "Look, you got someone waiting for you to wake up."

I tilt my head and waited for Mom to continue. "Look." She said.

I looked to my right. Something appear in front of me and Mom. It was showing the Hospital Wing.

I saw myself lying on the bed, with the heart monitor, going up and down. And the one who's sitting by my side is...Draco.

"You're still unconscious, Belle. One more day, they'll pull out the plug." Said Mom.

I hesitated at that.

"I know you wanted to be with me, Belle. But I never left. I'll always be right here." Mom pointed at my heart.

"You're right, Mom. I'm going back." I said. She smiled and hugged me.

"Remember, Belle. I'll always be watching you." She said. I smiled and nodded. Then I started to fade away.

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