Chapter 29 - Third Task

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  Isabelle's POV
I'm starting to get nervous. SO DAMN NERVOUS!!!!
I did my morning routine and dressed up in this:

As I went to the Quiddtich Pitch. I met Dad and Josh.

"Nervous?" Dad asked.

I nodded.

"You'll be okay." Josh reassured me.

I nodded again and we heard music playing.

Harry and I walked out and I looked at the bleachers and saw Hermione and Ron. They were clapping and cheering for us.
I smiled at that.

Then I saw Draco. He blew me a kiss.

Lovely. I thought.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Tri-wizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory..."

Every Hufflepuff cheered.

"Miss Chan and Mr. Potter..."

Every Gryffindor cheered. Harry and I smiled.

"Are tied in first position...they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum...*cheering* and Miss Delacour *cheering* The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" announced Dumbledore.

Everyone clapped.

"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task....he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands." said Dumbledore.

He turned around.

"Contestants! Gather Around. Quickly!" he said.

We all gathered around. I was in between Harry and Cedric.

"In the maze you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something ever more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way." he said.

"Champions, prepare yourselves!" shouted Dumbledore.

Harry and I looked at each other and nodded. Then I went to my place. Josh and Dad were there.
They each gave me a hug.

"Remember your training, Belle." said Dad. I nodded.
"Stay focus, okay." said Josh. I nodded and looked at the bleachers again.

Draco gave me a worried look. I smiled at him, giving a peace sign. I can tell that he chuckled at that.
Then I saw Aiden and the others. They're with Aunt Mei and Aunt Lin.

"On a count to three! One! Two! THR--" Dumbledore was cut off because of Flich.
I looked at the path way and walked in slowly. It went quiet. I took a deep breathe and went. 
As I walked through the maze. Everything seems different. I held my wand tight and walked very slowly. Until someone screamed.

Fleur? I thought.

I walked a little faster and hid beside the ledge.

"Periculum!" I heard.


He sent a red spark with Fluer's wand.

That means Fleur is out. I thought.

Hermione's POV
I saw a red spark on the sky. It turns out to be Fleur Delacour.
"Do you think Belle and Harry are alright?" Ron whispered.

"I'm sure they are, Ron. Harry and Belle will make it. I'm sure of it." I said.

Isabelle's POV
The footsteps are getting closer to my area. I peeked a little and saw Victor. He pointed his wand at Harry.

Then suddenly he just walked off. I sighed out of relief. Harry walked passed me and I follow him. Harry suddenly shot me a spell, which I blocked it.

"Harry, it's me!" I said.
"Sorry, Belle." he said.

"It's alright."
Then the wall started to merge in. Harry and I ran fast and turned to our right.

"That was close!" I said. Harry nodded and got up.
Harry and I kept on walking until...

"GET DOWN!!!" It was Cedric.
Harry and I dropped down. Cedric send a spell to Viktor but he missed.
Viktor sends Cedric a spell but he missed.

"EXPELLIARUMS!!!!" Cedric's spell hit Viktor.
Harry and I got up and Cedric kicked over Vitkor's wand and pointed at him.
"No! No Cedric! He's bewitched!" Harry exclaimed.
"Get off me." He shoved Harry away. Cedric ran and Harry and I followed.

As Cedric, Harry and I were running, we saw the cup.

"Yes." I mumbled.

Cedric starts off running and Harry and I followed. Until the roots came up. I dodged them. Until I heard Cedric calling us.

"Belle! Harry!" I turned around and looked at Harry, he was hesitating. I pointed my at the roots. "REDUCTO!" Harry went to Cedric and helped him.

"Thanks." Said Cedric.

"No problem." replied Harry. I nodded.

"For the moment there, I thought you and Belle are going to leave me and let it get me." Said Cedric.

"For a moment, so did I." Said Harry.
"Why would I leave you, Cedric? I wouldn't leave my comrades behind." I said. He smiled.
"Some game,huh?"
"Some game." Said Harry.
"Lame Game, that fits perfectly.'" I said.

They chuckled. Until we heard cracking. The wind was picking up again.
"GO!" said Cedric. We ran to the cup.

"Go on, take it! Both of you saved me! Now take it." Said Cedric.
"Together, on three." Said Harry.
"One! Two! Three!" We all said.

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