Chapter 1

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This is my first story, so please help me out. Don't be a ghost reader! please vote/comment/like/tweet/SHARE/MAKE SUGGESTIONS!

I awoke to the sound of screams and cries from across the hall. I rolled over and looked at the clock next to my mattress and realized it was 3 a.m. I groaned. Please, not again. I can't take this anymore. I ran to the next room and picked up Emily, the six month old baby I have been taking care of since her parents left her on the porch of the foster home I live in-about 2 months ago. I carried her outside and rocked her to sleep on the tire swing hanging from the tree in the front yard to enjoy the cool air.  As she fell asleep, I looked around to see the familiar scenery of the old-fashioned and worn house I have lived in for the last three years. The peeling peach-colored paint, the tall grass, the dirty windows, and the crumbling chunk of wood we call a staircase that led up to the thin piece of glass used for a front door. I had lived here since my parents got up and left the country without me. I started out in an adoption center with nothing but the clothes on my back when I was eight years old.

   The Sunshine Palace. That name brought back so many memories. It's the one place I can always go back to, the one place I can call home.

  Finally, when Emily was fast asleep again, I took her back inside and put her back in her baby bed and headed for my mattress across the hall. I glanced around the room to make sure my foster parent, Darren, was no where to be found. I wasn't ready to take another beating. I was already covered in bruises. I lay down on the single mattress without any blankets or sheets. The only other thing in the room was my alarm clock. Other than that, it was just hard-wood, dusty floors and a single window above my head. I slowly drifted off to sleep dreaming of a better life.


   I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock wailing in my ear and quickly turned it off. I jumped in the shower after feeding Emily a quick jar of mushy applesauce and avoiding eye contact with Darren. I got out after relaxing my muscles in the warm water for a good fifteen minutes. I threw on my old but trusty white converse, light skinny jeans and a purple long sleeve shirt. It was getting colder outside. I neatly put up my long and wavy brown hair into a ponytail and grabbed my black backpack from the living room and began the two mile journey to school on foot with my headphones in and my music blasting, trying to forget the real world.


   About 25 minutes later, I could see my school. It was the newest high school in the area, Richfield High School. It was my 9th grade year, and I was ready to make it the happiest year of my life. I promised myself I would walk in with a smile on my face and make new friends. I had always been home schooled by a social worker that came to my house, but now I am too old for that. It was time to start fresh. Today was a new day, and I was going to be a brand new person.

   I took out my schedule as I walked through the giant glass front doors of the big red building. I had PRE-AP GT English 1 with Mr. Salazar for first period. Great! I loved English. I was good at writing stories, and it would be refreshing to start off the day with an enjoyable class. I just hoped Mr. Salazar was a good teacher. I walked over to the map on the wall with a Richfield Rebels flag hanging from the ceiling above me. All of my classes were grouped together at the end of the hallway by the front door, and my locker was on the other side. Fantastic! I had Mr. Woodards for PRE-AP GT Geometry second period, Mr. Evans for PRE-AP GT Biology for third period, Mrs. Upton for PRE-AP GT Geography for fourth period, Mr. Ellinger for French for fifth period, Mrs. Clark for Select Art for sixth period, and Coach Wendy Long for Softball for seventh period. I also had easy access to the cafeteria and the gym and locker room was not too far off the main hallway. I wouldn’t have to go through the rest of the school! This was awesome! I walked over to my locker and put in the combination that was written on my schedule and it immediately opened. I threw my backpack inside and pulled out the books I needed for my first three classes. I still had 5 minutes left of the seven minute passing period, but I decided to head to class early. It would be nice to meet the teacher before anyone else got there.

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