Chapter 8

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Sorry I'm late with this...but I haven't had much encouragement either :/

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I really dont know if I should keep it really that bad?

Do you want pictures of the cast?


   I woke up to a steady beeping noise. I still had my eyes closed. I tried to move around, but I was really sore. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked around. I was squinting, the room was bright. I was laying in a hospital bed with needles in my hands and tubes in my nose. I cringed. I hate needles! I sat up a little more and tried not to look at my hands. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. I was okay, but I still didn't have any answers. Nothing made sense. I cleared my head and started to doze off when the door opened and a man in a long white coat walked in with a clipboard in his hand. He looked at me over the top of his glasses.

"Ah, Ms. Miller, how are you?"

I tried to respond, but my throat was dry and my voice was raspy. He handed me a some water and I chugged it. "I'm alright, I think. What happened?" I asked, raising my left eyebrow.

"Well first I wanna know what you remember. Answer a few questions of mine and then an officer will come in to talk to you." The doctor said with a demanding tone. I just looked at him, with my eyebrow still raised. Was he really talking to me like this, after everything I had done? Who did he think he was?! I sighed and threw away my anger-filled emotions. I wasn't up for all that right now. I sat there and waitied for him to finish flipping through his papers on his clipboard until he finally came to the list he needed and began asking me general questions with a boring monotone.

"What is your name?"


"How old are you?"


"What year were you born in?"


"Who do you live with?"

"Agent Miller and his wife."

"What country do you live in?"

"Switzerland." I gave him my evil grin.

"This is serious! I suggest you get your priorities straight and pay attention!" He yelled. 

Dang, his face gets red fast! I thought. I chuckled. His face grew even more red. He stood up out of his chair and hurried out of the room. I wasn't that mean. That dude needs to chill! I chuckled again. What was up with me? I'm suddenly not so uptight, and stressed. I looked down at my cold hands and rubbed them together lightly. I didn't want to mess up any of the needles. I heard distant yelling and looked up just in time to see Aaron run in while wearing a hospital gown. I half smiled at him, knowing he looked funny and he was upset. Meredith walked in right behind him. Was she home from her trip early? I hoped so. I missed her hugs. She was going to be one fantastic mom. I smiled at the thought as they both came in and sat on either side of me. Aaron spoke first.

"Are you okay?" He looked so worried.

I nodded my head. Meredith moved up and pulled me into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me and I immediately felt right at home, in my hospital bed. I grinned and tears of joy started to fall. I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled closer. She kissed the top of my head and rocked me back and forth. This was the best feeling in the world. I felt loved. I didn't want this feeling to end, but I wanted so badly to know what was going on, so I pulled away, but only a little bit. I wiped the tears off my face and looked up at Meredith. She smiled that soft, motherly smile at me and I smiled back. I looked back to Aaron. He looked tired. I leaned back some to get a better look at his head and noticed stitches and a huge bruise. I gasped. He chuckled. Then, I remembered everything about that night. The man I was fighting, climbing out on the edge of the balcony with a bat, finding Aaron and calling the police, everything. The police had gotten there in time. I felt a wave of relief flood through my body and I noticed my hands were tightly gripping the bedsheet. I let go, and I noticed that my body was uncomfortable. I shifted until I was comfy and leaned back against the pillows. We were sitting in dead silence. I stared at the stitched on the side of Aaron's face.  He caught my eye and spoke.

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