Chapter 7

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He hadn't noticed me yet. I silently crept back into the hallway and shut my bedroom door behind me. I hurried down the right staircase and made my way to the front room. I walked over to the table in the middle of the room with the pot of flowers on it and found a map of the house. I quickly found the master bedroom in the very back of the first level. I ran down the long hallway and turned the corner and kept going until I found double doors with gold handles in the middle of the wall. There was an intercom outside the door. I made sure not to press the 'Loud Speaker' button and hit the message button. I didn't want my voice vibrating throughout the entire house. I spoke into it.

"Aaron, I need to come in, right now!" I whispered as loudly as I could.

I didn't hear a response and I silently freaked out. What if my dad was coming down the stairs?! what if he heard the door close and ran after me?! what if he was getting closer and closer?! Finally, he answered.

"Doors open." He was in the middle of a yawn. His response was a little too loud for my liking. You'd think he'd pick up on my harsh whisper and do the same thing. I pushed the door open and ran over to his bed where he was sprawled out in flannel, army-green plaid pajama pants and a long sleeve white t-shirt. He sat up and looked at me. I saw that the room was big, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Although I did notice that the wall stuck out a little too much behind his bed, and I could faintly see a small black line that curved up and formed a big circle, the bottom part hidden by his king-size bed.

"What?" He said with a disgusted look.

"My dad, he's in the house, in my room. He's digging in the back of my closet. He might have followed me down here...I don't really know." I said with a scared look on my face and a quivering chin. I was scared out of my mind. What did he want with me?!

Aaron got up and started out the door. He had a gun in his hand. I guess he had it under his pillow? That's disturbing. Did this happen often? I immediately threw away my curiosity and followed behind as Aaron grabbed his FBI bulletproof vest at the bottom of the stairs and crept up silently to my floor. I slowly followed behind, keeping my distance. I thought I heard a noise behind me, but I quickly thought nothing of it. I watched as Aaron held his gun straight down, his arms straight, but elbows not locked. One hand was firmly wrapped around the gun, the other held a flashlight on top. He looked at me and threw his head to the side, signaling me to grab the baseball bat leaning against the nearest cabinet. He knew this was the one weapon I knew how to use with skill, besides my fists of course. I smirked and grabbed the bat. I suddenly felt excitement grow inside me. I was ready for this. I wanted to take him down, right now, whether he was my biological father or not. I couldn't take this anymore. I knew there were more people involved in whatever was going on, but he was a leader, a Topdog. He was coming down, no matter how far it pushed his crew members' drive to kill me. I wanted this, and there was no stopping me. I ran in front of Aaron. He tried to grab my arm and hold me back, but I was too quick for him.  I could faintly hear his footsteps brush the carpet behind me and I sped up. I ran into my bedroom and slowed down to make my way into the closet. The light was on, but my dad was no where to be found. I looked up and realized I was holding the bat up. I lowered it to the ground and dragged it behind me as I walked over to look for signs of missing items. I didn't find any. I walked out into my room, still dragging my bat behind me. I took two more steps and heard a thud. I turned around and saw that my mini Eiffel Tower that was on my bookshelf was now laying on its side on the rug.

I was confused, but immediately exchanged my puzzled expression for a fear-filled one when a man grabbed me from behindnd p aut their hand over my mouth. I tried to kick and squirm away, but I was unsuccessful. I was now being dragged down the stairs and Aaron was no where to be found. I eagerly tried to pull out of the person's grasp. I could tell it wasn't my dad, this person was too big. Other than his muscular arms, my dad was a stick. This could not be him, which means he was somewhere else in the house-probably with Aaron. I continued to try and work my way free, but I had yet to make any progress. I didn't give up though. I was determined to get out. This wasn't happening, not when my life was just starting to turn around. I wasn't gonna let anybody kick me to the ground. My entire body tensed up, and anger boiled inside me. I was red with rage from head to toe. I curled my hands into perfect fists,and my arms felt like they were starting to grow and I managed to spread them away from me, loosening his grip on me. A fierce fire burned in my eyes and my jaw was clenched tightly. Without even realizing it, I made a noise. It was somewhere in between a growl and a soft roar. Whoever was holding me heard it and dropped me. I landed on my feet with a perfect thud, my feet planted in position. I turned around and gave the evilest glare I could give, my eyebrows lowered and my sharp gaze cutting him deeply. This momentarily distracted him and I knew this was my chance. I charged, and roared again, with everything inside me. I jumped on him and tackled him to the floor. I threw my fists at his face while pinning his arms down with my knees, and his legs with my feet. I didn't stop. I screamed and yelled, and attacked with everything inside me. If I only learned one thing from watching crime shows and being kidnapped myself, it was that when you fought, you fought with everything and you didn't stop until they were down for good, and you were out of harm's way. I kept going, hitting him with explosive punches. I could feel the adrenaline rush through me and I felt like I was strongest human being. I felt like nothing was too heavy, no one was too big, and I kept going until he quit moving. I pulled away slowly, still unsure if he was still conscious. I soon realized he wasn't. I put two fingers against his neck to check for a pulse. I felt one, and was slightly relieved, and slightly disappointed. I knew the rest of my life would be over if I had killed him, but something inside me wanted him dead. Whatever was happening, whatever was going on, He was part of it and I knew that something very bad was going to happen to me soon. A huge chunk of information was missing from all of this, and things weren't connecting. I didn't understand.

I got up off him and picked up the baseball bat I dropped. I was all the way down the stairs now and was close to the front door. I peeked outside and saw a black truck outside, and there was a ladder still up at my window, which meant my dad was still in the house and would be heading for my window when he was ready to leave. I rushed up the stairs like a leopard running for it's prey. I dove through the door to my room and thankfully landed softly on the carpet. I had seen my dad coming slowly down the hallway, dragging something behind him. I quietly jumped up and headed for my balcony. I silently opened the French doors and walked out onto the ledge and jumped on it. I crawled over to the left edge, It was right next to the window that my dad would be climbing out of. I picked up the bat and laid it on my shoulder, ready to lift up into position so I could hit him with the element of surprise, and my bat. I chuckled. I was devious and funny.

 I heard a noise, and glanced through the window. He was coming, and he was dragging....Aaron behind him. His body looked completely lifeless. My muscles weakened, and I suddenly felt exhausted. I was dazed and confused, but popped back into reality within a few seconds. I lifted the bat and waited for him to get halfway out of the window. He stuck his head out and I stood up and swung my game-winning grand slam swing into his head and he dropped off the ladder and on top of the bushes below, completely unconscious. I felt a sense of pride, but it drained away as I turned my attention back to Aaron. As far as I knew, There was no one else in the house. I jumped off the balcony and hurried back inside and over to his body, which still wasn't moving.  I checked for a pulse, and sighed with relief when I felt one. I checked for injuries. He had a massive cut on his head, with little bits of wood stuck inside. My chin quivered. I was scared he wouldn't make it. He had lost a lot of blood and even though there was just dim light, he still looked pale. I got up and ran to the phone. I called 911 but I didn't say anything when they answered, I just stood there, my voice caught in my throat. I dropped the phone and it hung from the wall by the chord. I dropped to my knees, then onto my side. I was losing it. I had lost my adrenaline rush and was now exhausted. I couldn't breath, and my eyes felt heavy. I struggled to keep my eyes open, my eyelids fluttering. I finally gave in and drifted off into the unknown, without any sense of security, not even knowing if Aaron, or I, would be alright, or if the police would even show. I felt peaceful, despite my ignorance. I fell deeper, and was soon unconscious myself.

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