Chapter 3

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After remembering about my backpack, I crept in and picked it up. I walked out and headed for the sidewalk. I wasn't sure I could make it all the way to Sunshine Palace before the oncoming bad weather got here. I stopped and admired the sky. It was already clouding over. I walked about another ten feet before it started to sprinkle a little bit. I saw a quick flash of lightning and the ground shook slightly, along with a rumble of thunder. I started to run to the nearest neighborhood store. I could at least hang out there until the bad weather passed. I walked inside and headed for the electronics section. They'd probably have some game samples out or something to keep me busy, even though I wasn't really into that kind of stuff. I ended up finding Mario Kart for Nintendo DS. I played that for about five minutes and ended up getting bored. Like I said, video games weren't really my thing. My stomach started to rumble so I headed over to the food section to look for food samples. I found a few pasta samples and 2 cookie samples. They weren't the greatest, but they would probably be my dinner for the evening. After munching on th last bit of my second cookie, I headed over to the clothes section in search for a cheap jacket that would keep me warm. I search through the what seemed like endless aisles and came up empty handed, until I reached the last one.  I found the perfect one. It was dark blue and very soft. I was fluffy and insulated on the inside and the material looked strong and thick enough to withstand the wind and rain, and at the same time keep me warm. It was ten dollars. I only had about 30 dollarson me, and the jacket seemed a little expensive, but I soon realized  I was crazy to expect anything cheaper. This jacket was sixty percent off already anyway.  I was about to put the jacket back when someone snuck up behind me and made me jump. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to let you know the store was closing in ten minutes." He said sympathetically. I guess he was an  employee or something. I looked up to see Robert from first period, the kid who sat next to me. I nodded and put the jacket down and started to walk away, but he grabbed my arm and spun me around again. "I'm sorry about this morning; I shouldn't have been so rude." He said while looking down at me, probably disgusted by how bad I looked. "Is everything okay?" He said with slight uncertainty in his voice. I looked at my feet. I couldn't look him in the eye, he was already was giving me what seemed like a death stare. I couldn't handle that. I nodded and tried to slip out of his grip, but I had no luck. He gripped me even tighter than before. I managed to look up at him with a questioning look. "It doesn't look like everything is okay. Where are your parents?" He shot back so sternly I flinched. I opened my mouth to tell him I didn't have parents, but closed it again. I shrugged. "Well do you need me to help you find them?" He asked softly. I shook my head and mumbled something along the lines of, "I have to go." He let go of my arm and I stumbled out the door. I was starting to get dizzy for some reason. Did Darren hit me in the head? If he did, why was it just now hurting me?


   It was pouring rain outside, and there was lightning about every three seconds it seemed like, followed up by loud claps of thunder. I started walking down the street despite my dizziness. I made it about half a mile before falling to my knees. The dizziness had finally overtaken me, and I couldn't get up. I sat down on the sidewalk and put my head around my head. I couldn't even see anything anymore. I closed my eyes and felt like I was drifting away when I heard footsteps. I think I remember hearing someone scream my name, but I couldn't remember.


     I woke up on a couch. A very, very comfy couch in the middle of a very nice living room. Where was I? What happened? I then felt the worst headache I had ever experienced in my enire life. It felt like I  was being stabbed in the head over and over again! I felt like something was digging a hole through my thick skull. It was throbbing like a track runner's heart rate after a race. I whimpered at the pain and scrunched up my face as I pushed against the sides of my head with my hands, wishing with everything I had that the pain would stop. Someone walked in the room. I looked up to see Robert. He must have been the one to find me on the sidewalk.. "Are you okay?" He asked without sincerity. I nodded my head and put my hands down and pretended like I felt nothing. I stared down. I had a purple fuzzy blanket on me. The room was dim. I could here people talking in the next room. Probably his parents. I tried to get up, but Robert pushed me back down. He spoke with a raspy voice. He sounded like he was getting sick. "Look, I picked you up from the sidewalk and called my mom and she drove us here. I put you on the couch and gave you a blanket hoping you'd wake up tonight and not in the morning. I found this card in your pocket with a number on it and called it. The guy who answered said he would be here soon to get you, so just wait here!" I just looked at him like I didn't understand English. Card in my pocket? What? But then it hit me. The guy who worked the case the time I was kidnapped. He was with the FBI. He gave me his card and told me to call if I ever got in trouble and he would come get me. He was the only one I trusted, but I couldn't remember his name. Allan? No, Aaron. Aaron Miller. My eyes grew wide and I beamed a smile. Robert scowled and walked out of the room. The door bell rang and a woman, probably Robert's mom, walked up and answered it. Aaron and his wife walked in the room and as soon as they saw me, they ran over to me and fell to their knees in front of the couch to look me in the eyes. They stared at me for what seemed like hours, but was only about 30 seconds. They saw that I was awake and pulled me into a big hug. It was exactly what I needed. I hadn't had a hug in so long. They were both so warm, despite the weather, and their arms around me were comforting. They were like the parents I no longer had.  They had always been there to watch out for me, whenever the FBI was involved in a case of mine. Meredith, his wife, sat up on the couch next to me to make sure I was alright, and then continued to rock me in her arms while talking to Robert's mom.  I heared her tell her he had received a call from a social worker about my trashed foster home. It was the same social worker that came to get Emily.  I heard her explain that she had her with her and that she was safe at the FBI unit. I breathed a sigh of relief. Emily was safe, and now so was I. I drifted off to sleep wrapped up in their arms, but I still felt him pick me up and carry me to their car. I lay in the backseat on a pillow, and fell deeper into my dreams.


This is my first story, and I know its short, but I do update everyday!

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