Chapter 7

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Abby's POV

We were already heading towards the airport by 10 PM even though our flight was at 10:30. You have no idea how excited I was. Diana and Destiny's moms were there to see us off. And so was Daniil. It turns out, he has the same flight as we do and managed to snag a seat next to Diana; how lucky is she like seriously what do I have to do to get that.

I tried to not get jealous at the fact that  Diana can snuggle up to him on our long flight. I mean I guess I have my lover Destiny to cuddle up to whenever I feel lonely.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Says Destiny as she rests her head on my shoulder and looks at the happy couple.

"I'm happy for her. Maybe we can get some hot guys in Melbourne. But for now I'm happy to have you, my beloved Destiny" I say jokingly as I hug her tight as if to make Diana jealous.

"Hey! Get your hands off of my side hoe Abby!" Says Diana who is in the row next to us.

"Shut up you have Daniil, can't I at least borrow her for this lonely flight?" I respond pulling Destiny closer. People probably think we are a bunch of weirdos by now.

"I'll let you have her for ten bucks" states Diana with a serious look on her face.

"PSH. I am not worth ten dollars Diana, right Abby?" Destiny says,looking up at me to defend her.

"Deal." I reply as I throw a ten dollar bill to Diana, who catches it easily with a smug look on her face.

"ARE YOU GUYS SERIOUS." Destiny shouts to us,obviously completely forgetting that we are on an airplane that has already taken flight.

Daniil busts out laughing at her reaction, simply pulling Diana closer to the point where she is nearly in the same seat as him.

We simply shrug and laugh not really giving her a response. We all put in our earphones and blast our music; enjoying our flight to our new lives that we will be starting together.

•••••••After the long flight•••••••

The whole flight had consisted of Yhe happy couple being a happy couple while destiny just fell asleep and left a bunch of drool on my shoulder. Got to be honest, the only time she looks bad is when she is sleeping.

Daniil and Diana had gone their separate ways when we headed home and he headed towards his apartment that was just a few blocks away from our beach house.

Once we hailed a taxi and drove home, we all got situated in our own rooms and unpacked all of our belongings.

Our house was pretty big and I don't know how a bunch of girls that just got out of high school could afford something like this. And that's when I realized that I contributed nothing to buying this house.

"Guys I feel bad that I didn't help pay for this." I say mournfully and head hung down in shame.

"You did pay for some of it" Destiny replies.

"You did. You just never knew." Diana says while eating a lollipop that appeared out of no where.

"What do you mean...." I say clearly confused.

"I stole 20 dollars out of your bag every week." She adds nonchalantly not even looking at me.

"YOU WHAT." I shout.

"Hey we wanted it to be a surprise." Destiny interrupts," How about a, 'Thanks guys I will be indebted to you my life' instead?"

"Alright whatever thanks guys. I love you both." I reply.

"Aww look at my children getting along. Come on guys. Group Hug!!" Diana says as she approaches us arms wide expecting us to just walk in.

"Yeah yeah." I say and I do, for the only time ever. Walk into the arms of my bestfriend. Who I know, will be with me till the end.

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