Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


I'm not okay Jai


The sound of her voice cracking like that as she struggles to keep her sobs in broke my heart. I immediately pulled her into my arms.

"What's wrong love."

I feel her press her face into my chest harder as she lets a hoarse sob escape her and get captured in my chest. I tighten my grip around her and slide my hands through her hair.

"What is Daniil going to think? I have to tell my mom what happened, I can't just keep this from her..... I feel so worthless and disgusting Jai." She sobbed.

I rock her in my arms gently my heart wrenching, pain being eminent as I listen to how helpless she sounds.

"You are beautiful. You couldn't top what happened, that bastard is to blame and his idiocy has nothing to do with your value. You are priceless and wonderful and funny and cute Diana, don't let anything bring you down. Don't you dare think like that again love. You tell them in your own time, they have to accept that what happened to you wasn't your fault."

Her small hands grip the front of my Tshirt, that is now a little wet from her tears but I could care less. We are now sharing a blanket and a pillow. Diana was still crying into my chest and trying to make as little sound as possible. I wrap the blanket around her, minding her cuts, and continue to rock her and coo in her ear. I instinctively kiss the top of her head and after a while her breathing slows down and slow steady breaths escape her.

I sigh. How would Daniil react to this? And her mom? What if Diana is forced to go home again. I can't let that happen. I can't let anything happen to her for her to be taken away from me. She means so much to me and I refuse to let her go.

I look down at her in my arms and just look at how her eyelashes rested on her cheek bones, they were clumpy from her tears but she looked beautiful nonetheless. The redness around her eyes slowly fading her nose twitching every so often in her sleep, I couldn't look away, she was absolutely stunning. I could look at her all day, but before I knew it sleep overcame me and my eyes became unbearably heavy and I drifted off, hoping to be able to see her in my dream as well.

••••••• next morning ••••••••

Abby's POV

I had knocked out pretty fast and woke up with a foot in my face and an elbow digging into my uterus, or maybe those could be cramps who knows. I groggily opened my eyes and scratched the top of my head. I looked around and found out that the foot belonged to Skip and the elbow came from Destiny who had 3 out of 4 limbs tangled with Beau, the remaining limb stabbed into my body. I groan quietly and detangle myself from them.

Today was March 3rd which meant we would start our classes in 3 weeks ( AN. don't question this schedule I wasn't sure how to plan this out)

I look around to see Destiny and Beau shamelessly snuggled up with Beau's arm around Destiny's waist and her legs tangled with his. Hopefully she shaved. And saw James and Skip sprawled on top of eachother surrounded by drool, and Luke sleeping on his stomach his tanned torso exposed to me along with his tattoos on his flexed arms he rested his head on.

Lastly I turn to see Jai covered in a huge blanket and Diana no where to be seen, until I see a tuft of familiar black hair on Jai's chest that I presume wouldn't be a super long patch of chest hair. I pulled the cover down a little to reveal Diana, slightly tear stained faced and on Jai's chest sleeping like a baby. I didn't know what to think, maybe she was just vulnerable but she wouldn't do that to Daniil, and I doubt he would like to see this. I pull the blanket back and move into the bathroom to get decent.

Let's hope today is a good day.

A.N I know this was short and honestly I wrote this because someone commented for me to update and I was relieved to see people reading. I plan to start writing in between classes and I think I have some new ideas piling up, so whoever is out there prepare!! Thanks to the readers I have still means a lot to know you're here.

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