Chapter 9

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I woke up to a pounding head ache and unable to breathe. A loud sneezed racked my body, making my eyes water up. With a groan I felt around for my phone, clicking a random contact and calling them.

"Afternoon Maxy!" Blake's husky voice chirped through the phone.

"Hey." I said my voice cracking as my throat ached.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" Blake asked his mood dropping instantly as I heard a much of shuffling.

"I feel awful." I croaked my throat aching even more as I cough loudly in my elbow.

"I'll be over in a few." Blake said hanging up. I set my phone down and looked at Dylan who was sleeping peacefully in my arms. I stood up, my body aching all over.

I carried Dylan to his room and set him on the changing table. I watched his eyes slowly open as he looked at me. I changed his diaper and changed him into a monkey onzie before walking to the kitchen to make him a bottle and make him some eggs. The smell of eggs made my stomach churn and I threw up in the sink. I let out a groan wiping my mouth and rinsing out the sink. I rinsed my mouth finishing up Dylan's eggs. He was in a booster seat and drinking his milk. I set his plate of eggs in front of him and sat beside him. Dylan ate some of his food before he started to put it on his head.

"No baby you have to eat it." I mumbled taking the food off of his head. Dylan squealed throwing the food on the table. I groaned taking the rest of his eggs and throwing them in the trash. I picked up a baby wipe and cleaned Dylan's face and hands. I picked him up and set him on the ground as I cleaned up his seat and the dishes. I grabbed a tissue blowing my nose then coughing into my elbow. I heard a knock on the door and slowly walked to it with Dylan holding my left leg.

"Hey." I croaked opening the door for Blake to walk in.

"This is all my fault. You wouldn't be sick if I would have taken you somewhere warm. I'm so sorry." Blake rambled walking in and placing a hand on my forehead.

"Shit." He muttered pulling his hand away. Before I could say anything, my body rocked back and forth as black dots covered my vision. The world went quiet as my body felt heavy and numb.

This feeling lasted for what felt like years, when finally the blackness went away and a worried Blake stood there. I looked around noticing I was in my bed.

"Ho-" I started before tears ran down my cheeks at the pain I felt. A cough left me, making the aching throat even worse.

"I have a doctor coming over to check on you. You passed out, you're body is over heating, and you can't even talk without crying." Blake said pulling at his hair worriedly. I closed my eyes reaching a hand out, grabbing his, and pulling it to my lips. I wrapped myself around his arm, feeling sleep cloud my mind.

"Stay up baby girl, he's almost here. I need you to stay awake." Blake mumbled kissing my forehead repetitively. I nodded weakly, my eyes still closed.

"Alpha-" just as someone said that, I felt bile run up my throat making me jump up and run to the bathroom with as much energy I had left. I slumped against the toilet throwing up everything I had, which wasn't much. I felt Blake move my hair out of my face, tying it into a messy bun, as he rubbed my back. I could feel the faint Sparks, as my body heated up. A thin layer of sweat covered me as I laid down on the cold tile floor.

"Alpha, I need you to move away." A deep voice called. I closed my eyes, the pounding in my head not leaving. I heard a growl making me flinch. My body was sweating even more and I felt dizzy.

"She's very ill, you need to move." The voice growled out, as there was some shuffling and the slamming of a door. I felt a body come closer as a hand was placed on my fore head.

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