Chapter 11

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"Maxy, baby girl, wake up." Blake's husky morning voice cooed as he sprinkled kisses along my neck. A groan bubbled in my throat as I turned, snuggling into his body.

"Let me be happy." I mumbled nestling my face in his neck.

"Baby, I promised to make it up to you! Come on, we are spending the day together." His morning voice made my heart skip a beat, and my body heat up.

"Make it up to me by letting me sleep."

"Nope. Let's go Maxy, up up!" He said kissing my hair, before untangling himself from me.

"No, don't leave come back." I whined, my voice cracking. I opened my eyes to see Blake squatting down in front of me.

"Get up baby girl. Get ready. We have a big day planned ahead of us." He said kissing my cheek. I groaned getting out of my warm bed, before stumbling to the bathroom. I tied my hair into a messy bun, washing my face with warm water.

"Maxy! Hurry up!" Blake shouted as I started brushing my teeth.

"Shut up! I just got in here!" I heard him groan from behind the door, as I spit out the tooth paste, and walking out. I went to me closet grabbing a pair of Nike sweats, undergarments, and a long sleeve.

"Get out Blake I'm changing." I said shooing Blake out of my room.

"You know, I can always watch." He said wiggling his eyebrows. My face flushed as I sent him a glare. His blue eyes were big and bright. God I love his eyes.

"Too bad." I said slamming the door in his face.

"I'll get Dylan ready!" Blake shouted from the other side. I stripped of my night clothes, before slipping on my laced panties, and a black sports bra. I stepped into the grey sweats. I tied the strings so it hung low on my hips, showing the lace band at the top of my underwear. I grabbed the black long sleeve, slipping it on, before slipping my socks and uggs. I skipped out of my room, my phone and car keys in hand.

"I'm ready!" I said walking to the living room seeing Blake with Dylan on the couch. Blake was wearing his clothes from last night, dark jeans and a hoodie.

"Let's go baby girl! I'm driving!" He smiled snatching he keys out of my hand before leading me out of the house. I quickly snatched Dylan, following his lead to my truck. I set Dylan in his car seat, before going in the passengers seat. Blake turned to me, sending me a wink.

"I really like your stubble." I said reaching over to touch the dark hair on his tanned face. Blake's blue eyes snapped to mine as he leaned over kissing my nose.

"Then I'll leave it." He winked reaching over to grab my hand.

"Always holding my hand." I said with a roll of my eyes. As much as I love it, I couldn't let Blake know that... yet.

"You love it. Shut up." Blake said bringing my hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand. The Sparks went off where his lips touched, and his hand warmed mine. Blake backed away, driving off as I fiddled with the radio.

"Where to first?" I asked finally settled on a radio station.

"First, we are dropping off Dylan." Blake said driving down the familiar route to Alex's house.

"You always are trying to get me alone." I mumbled looking out the window, watching the trees past by in a green, brown blur.

"That's how I like you. To myself, no sharing." His voice came out possessive as he watched the road.

"Whatever ice cream boy. After we drop him off I say we get food because I'm starving!" I beamed when a song I recognized came on. Can you hold me by NF.

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